23. Feathers and Fluff

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Jarsha could not imagine two women more different from each other and still be such fast friends. The contrast between Letty and Sirena was astonishing to say at best. Letty had a carefree nature about her that one could almost find attractive if it was not paired with such startling selfishness and immaturity.

Letty was a pretty creature to be sure, one might even say beautiful. Those large dark doe eyes of hers and her silky hair like spun silk, her sun kissed skin... Jarsha shook his head vehemently. NO. He resumed dressing down Marigold, a pretty little mare the color of honey.

He did not wish to be ensnared by beauty alone; he searched for a woman with a heart of gold. A woman who could be the mother of his children, not a preening, self-absorbed peacock.

When Letty had first come to the manor she had made her attentions no secret. He found her in the stables, watching him spar, across from him at breakfast, batting those large doe eyes at him. Everywhere he turned she was there. His frustration mounted and yet still he kept his peace, out of respect for her friend, ONLY out of respect for Sirena did he not pursue the matter. If he had his way he would send her back where she came from and good riddance too! The girl was a nuisance.

"I'd recognize that look anywhere."

"Aye? And what look is that?"

"You, my friend, are stewing. What has your hackles up today?" Donovan began dressing his own horse, a sleek roan creature, obviously intent on an afternoon ride. A grunt acknowledged his question.

"Oh I donnae think she is that bad, certainly a wee thing but a pretty one."

The rueful expression on Jarsha's face had his friend laughing heartily. "Am I that obvious?"

"Does a bird fly, my friend?"

A pained expression crossed his ruddy features. "Aye, she's somethin' to look at but her head is naught but feathers and fluff."

"I feel there might be more to the young lass than meets the eye. The company she keeps would suggest so. A more sensible creature could not be found than Beatrice, I am sure that there is something that ties them together beyond feathers and fluff." Jarsha mulled on his friends words a moment. "The least you can do is come to know the girl and if her head is as full of sawdust as you suspect then at least you have proof."

"Aye... but there be another lass without fluff in her head about these parts. How goes it with yon princess?"

Donovan mounted the roan in one swift movement; rocking the saddle to be sure it was properly secured. "Her training goes well, she is an apt pupil. Always in a hurry to know more, I fear I willna be able to keep her occupied long. She needs a proper governess."

"Ya know I didna mean her lessons Donovan." So much had gone unsaid between the two friends since that shocking afternoon only a couple weeks prior. Jarsha felt a strain on their friendship that have never been present before.

"What did you mean then?" his face was closed and tight.

"I just meant-"

"Her lessons are the only thing that matters now Jarsha, I can feel something coming. I can feel it in my bones and for all our sakes she must be ready."

"I didna mean to upset you, my lord." Jarsha reverted to his friend's proper title.

"Ach, I'm sorry. I feel tighter than a bowstring." Donovan spared his friend a softer look.

Jarsha gave the roan's rump a loud smack. "Best get goin' then." The horse broke into an easy canter through the stable doors, Donovan giving him a cheeky grin on his way out.

The Forgotten Crown (2019)  Book 1 of The Broken Crown SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now