31. Thirteenth Day

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Beatrice had taken to counting off the days by scratching lines into the wooden planks of their prison. Twelve days. Twelve days of heat and haziness and almost no food or water. She could feel her naturally slim form wasting away to nothing. Her cheekbones felt like ridges on her already thin face and her lips cracked and bled with every move. Letty's cheeks were beginning to hollow and Syrus did not seem to fare much better.

On the thirteenth day the landscape began to change, wispy white clouds dotted the horizon and the hazy blue outline of mountains interrupted the previously endless red dunes. Throughout the day the mountains grew more distinct, great peaks and shadowy crevasses a welcome reprieve to the monochromatic landscape, reviving their spirits as they felt the slow return of moisture to the air. By nightfall they came to a bustling ramshackle village centered around a massive wood and stone construction, nestled in lush green foothills.

Syrus pressed his small face to the bars. "Is that-"

"An arena." Beatrice finished for him.

"Is that where we will be?"

Letty shuddered "Do not worry little one, I do not believe that to be our fate." The air stank of sweat and animals and human waste as they were ushered from the cages, their legs frighteningly weak and wobbly from thirteen days of disuse. Shoved into line with other women and children they were forced to wash and change into scratchy garments of sackcloth. A long low thatched hut became their barracks for the evening, crammed in with thirty other dead eyed women and children on a packed dirt floor.

Attempting to keep to themselves, Beatrice, Letty and Syrus curled up in a corner. "Why aren't they here? Why haven't we seen them?" Syrus cried into the silence. He clung to them fiercely in Sirena's absence. Their friends' fates worried them greatly, none knowing if they had survived the night of the Vyper attack. Sirena's power had lit up the night numerous times and Bea knew that if anyone could defeat that hideous creature it would be her friend, but doubt still assailed her.

"Do you think...?" Letty mouthed the unfinished question to Bea. They could hear the screams of a massive crowd, one that could only be coming from the arena. They had not spoken of what could have befallen their dear friend for Syrus's sake. The boy had enormous confidence in Sirena and neither had the heart to tell him anything otherwise. Lying in the darkness they could only wonder at the uncertain fate of their lost companions.

Dawn's light pierced their crudely constructed shelter and they were dragged from sleep by rough hands. The rest of the women and children were herded into auction blocks. The trio was led into a richly appointed chamber in the recesses of the arena. There they met a most unusual man. "I am Thergo, your master." They stared at him in silence, pondering his strange accent. "I am told you are companions to three others I have in my possession, is this correct?"

"Where are they? What have you done with them!" Beatrice demanded.

"Calm yourself, all in good time." His voice was slick and smooth and Bea could not help but shudder.

"You look hungry, would you care to eat?" two serving girls bearing trays of bread and cheese, fruit and meat sauntered into the room. Syrus lunged for the food only to have Beatrice haul him back. Thergo plucked a grape from the ensemble and popped in into his mouth, making a show of enjoying it. "Why would I waste precious poison on you when I could have you run through in a single moment? I merely wish to talk." He gestured once more at the food and they begrudgingly fell to eating.

Syrus thought it the best thing he had ever tasted. He gorged himself until he thought he might be sick then attacked a loaf of bread for good measure. He never wanted to be hungry again. Thergo watched them like a cat that had just cornered its prey. "The woman, Si, I believe I have heard her called. She is a mage? How did she come to possess her powers?"

"She isn't a mage!" Syrus bellowed angrily around a mouthful of food. Letty quickly shushed him, urging him quietly to say no more.

"Not a mage? Then what is she?"

"She just is." Beatrice spoke calmly.

"Why, both you and I know that something is not quite right. There is only one way to become a spell caster and we all know it doesn't just happen." He spoke as if he were taking a small child to task.

"Have you ever heard her actually utter a spell?"

This gave him pause and he did not answer for a length of time. "Why then, does Daagon himself want her? Surely he does not simply want her for a pleasure slave; he has many beautiful concubines who are more than willing to please a King. And there are none to match his spell casting. So tell me, why then does he wish me to give up a very valuable slave?"

Beatrice's shock was hidden carefully. Syrus's however was not. "The King wants her? But why!"

Thergo scrutinized them closely "You truly do not know?" He grunted in frustration. "Well this is most unfortunate, for she will not cooperate with me. She is determined to enter the arena. Perhaps you can convince her otherwise." With his final statement, in walked Jarsha, Donovan and Sirena bound in chains. The two groups collapsed upon each other, hugging and crying joyously.

"Do you really wish to make your friends watch you die?" Silence fell upon them, thick and hard. "You will die slowly and painfully, first on the sword and then torn to shreds by animals. There will be nothing left to even show you were alive. As far as the King is concerned, you died in an attempt to escape." He fished Syrus out of the melee and held him fast. "Look at him, do you really wish to make him suffer so?"

Syrus's eyes were impossibly huge, the fear shining out in a bright mass of tears. Thergo stroked his cheek "Such a handsome young boy, it would ruin him I see. As would the salt mines of Karth." His threat was thinly veiled.

"Don't touch him!" She hissed. "You lay a finger on him and I will kill you myself!" Sirena lurched across the room, dragging her chained companions with her. She managed to wrest Syrus from his arms and wrapped her hands tightly about Thergo's throat before she was set upon by the guards.

Thergo came up fuming and cursing. "I have been more than agreeable with you! I see there is no reasoning with a wild dog!" He swept from the room, snapping orders as he went. "Enjoy these last hours, girl, for you die before the sun sets!"

The Forgotten Crown (2019)  Book 1 of The Broken Crown SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now