30. Monsters in the Dark

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None bothered to move as the creaky cages once more rumbled to life with the light of dawn, only stirring to partake of the murky water and stale bread provided. Days on end they rattled and creaked through the arid landscape, trundling for what seemed an eternity.

Thergo came once in that time, watching her through the bars, his brow creased in consternation. Two soldiers held her companion's chains tight so they were unable to move. One of his personal guards was sent in after her. Upon realizing the man was magically shielded from her, she resorted to other means, snapping both of his wrists. His screams drilled into her like a physical blow. It was almost too easy and the thought frightened her. She was much stronger than she should be.

"You want so badly to die in the arena? Then you shall have your death!" He turned to leave and paused "You could have had a good life, one of comfort, more than any slave could hope for. Why would you turn from such an offer when you are sure to meet a painful death?"

"Because I am not a slave." Sirena pressed her face to the bars making sure he could see her face, her conviction. "I would rather die than sell my soul to you or any other. I was born free and I will die free."

"Sentimental fool." Thergo spat into the sand and disappeared into the inky depths of the night. He did not bother them again.

The coolness of the night spread its misty fingers among the rattling cages. By the time the caravan stopped and the great fire was built, the three friends huddled close together to keep warm. The flames grew higher and higher and they plastered themselves against the iron bars facing the inward side of camp, basking in the waves of heat. The cage swayed for the briefest of moments and the friends turned a puzzled eye outward.

"What was that?" Donovan stared out into the inky depths and swirling sands. When nothing caught his eye, he turned back to the inner circle. They stretched their hands out greedily and once more turned in confusion as the cage rocked.

"What in the name O' Mer is going on?" Jarsha whispered into the sudden stillness.

A scream rose in the night, the likes of which are only produced in a moment of true terror. The hair on the back of Sirena's neck rose and a rash of goose bumps plagued her arms. They looked at each other nervously, a feeling of foreboding rising in the air. Another scream rent the air only to be cut short with an ominous gurgle.

"What's happening?" Sirena stood in the middle of the cage, Donovan and Jarsha pressing their backs against hers, the trio forming an outward circle, scanning every inch of sand around their tiny cell. The slither of shifting sand greeted them before a violent blow rocked the cage. Clasping onto each other tightly to remain upright, Jarsha shouted and pointed at the mound moving with lightning speed beneath the sand. The mound grew suddenly smaller and disappeared from sight.

"Saints above! Please tell me that is not what I think it is." Sirena pleaded of her friends, the horror of so many stories rising in her mind.

"Ach, merciful heavens I wish I could lass."

A sudden spout of sand burst into the night sky and the glittering of black scales flew through the air on the edge of the circle. Spearing a soldier wickedly through the chest with a long barbed tail, the glittering phantom was gone from sight in the blink of an eye, only the man's agonized screams lingering.

Donovan swore under his breath. "Sand Vypers." Another mound rose, speeding swiftly towards Thergo's large, brightly colored tent. Soldiers and slavers alike dashed inside its colorful embrace. "Idiots! what do they think a bit of cloth will do?"

Sirena watched closely, sensing all was not as it seemed. The ominous mound disappeared just as suddenly as it had appeared. All held their breath waiting for movement. The air grew still and a collective shiver traveled down their spines. A great tower of sand shot into the sky and a monstrously long body of black scales glided through the air on studded wings.

The Forgotten Crown (2019)  Book 1 of The Broken Crown SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now