Chapter 6

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Aaron had tears in his eyes. Wade was hugging him and rubbing his back trying to calm him down. Aaron stood up with tears in his eyes and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He started to write a letter to Mark.

 Dear Mark,

I finally understand why you are upset with me and I understand why Bob beat me up. Please just know that a week after I moved, my father took my phone and ‘broke it’ or at least that’s what he told me. I now know he lied to me and used my phone to talk to you and hurt you. I had no idea he was doing this. The reason I’m back in town is because my mother and father got divorced and my mother wanted to move here. If you don’t believe me I’ll understand. If me being here upsets you to much than tell me and I’ll go back to England and live with my father.

Sincerely Aaron

Aaron folded the letter up and handed it to Wade.

“Please give this to Mark and don’t let Bob see it.”

“Okay I will.”

Aaron hugs Wade one more time.

“Are you going to be okay?”

“I’m not sure but please make sure Mark reads that.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Wade leaves and Evan comes in.



“You going to be okay?”

“...I don’t know.”

Evan pats his back and says ,” It’ll be okay.”

Aaron checked the time and saw it was time for Not American Club.

“Evan we need to get to our club.”

Skip to club

“$4 coffee. Incredibly stupid”, Phil complained.

"Someone actually came up to me and asked 'Is that a British accent?' Like can you seriously not tell!", Dan complained.

"Someone asked me 'Are you Irish?' anf we've known each other for three years!", Nogla screamed.

“People keep accusing me and Nogla of being drunk or having alcohol simply because we’re Irish!”, Brian pouted.

Everyone was pouting, making jokes, and complaining. Aaron was happy again.

“Delirious said when he gets home he’s going to microwave tea.”, Aaron cringed.

Aaron watched Phil shutter and say ‘that’s horrible.”

“And another thing,” Dan raged, “Yes I’m British but that doesn’t mean all I drink is tea!”

“Yeah,” Evan cheered, “ And the canadian national anthem says nothing about polar bears, snow, or maple syrup!”

“Really? Are you sure”, asked a shocked Nogla.

Aaron lost it at that and was dying in laughter.


Everyone was laughing and having an amazing time. It made Aaron feel a lot happier then he has in a long time and he was sure he was going to love this club.

Evan was laughing so hard he had to grab onto Aaron to stop himself from falling out of his seat. Aaron looked at Evan and smiled. Yeah he was going to like it here.

Skip to end of the day

Aaron said his goodbyes to everyone and started heading home. He hadn’t got far out the door when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned around thinking it was Evan wanting something but was meet with something he hadn’t expected. Jack.

Aaron didn’t know what to say. He didn’t have a chance to get a good look at Jack during the fight so he was shocked to realize that the man who punched him square in the face was so short. ‘How did he even hit me’, Aaron asked himself.

Aaron expected rude comments or fight, what he didn’t expect was Jack asking, “ Are you okay.”

Aaron was shocked; he didn’t know what to say.

Jack sighed guiltily. “Look I’m sorry for punching you earlier. It’s just when I heard you were the one who who hurt Mark all those years ago, I kind of lost it I guess. I let my anger get the better of me and that’s not who I am.”

Aaron thought about it for a second and he realized if he had been in Jack’s place he would have done the exact same thing. “It’s okay. I did find out why it happened and if I was in your place I would probably have done the same thing.”

Jack shook his head but looked like he still had something to say.

“If you don’t mind me asking why did you say such rude things to Mark.”

Aaron lightly sighed.

“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Oh come on.”

“I mean it. You would think I was trying to hide the blame.”

“Just tell me.”


“Why not?”

“Because I know what will happen, you won’t believe me, you’ll go and tell Bob, and what happened this morning will happen again! If I wanted to be beat everyday I would have stayed with my dad back in England!”

Aaron ran out of the school, leaving Jack staring after him. Aaron got home and found a note on the counter in the kitchen.

  Dear Aaron,

I have to work late tonight. There’s twenty dollars for pizza, there’s soda in the fridge, and if you made any friends today you should invite them over. Have fun.

Love Mom

‘To bad I forgot to get anyone’s numbers’, Aaron thought as he made himself a glass of soda. He decided he’d order the pizza later. He went and sat down on the couch and started watch some gaming videos on youtube, when he got a text message.

Hey Aaron it’s Evan.

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