Chapter 9

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First period went by fast. Wildcat got onto Delirious for not doing his homework but didn't really make a big fuse. Delirious didn't like that he wasn't getting enough attention, so he made himself a cone hat out of paper that said 'DUMBASS' across it. It made everyone laugh.

When the bell signaling that second period was over rang, Wildcat told Delirious to leave the hat. Now whenever Delirious forgets his homework he'll be wearing the 'DUMBASS' cone.

Delirious and Aaron walked out of the room laughing like crazy.

"You're going to regret making that."

"Probably but who cares."

Suddenly Aaron and Delirious were knocked onto the ground by someone running around the corner too fast. The person fell with them. Aaron looked at the person who ran into them and saw that it was one of the boys who helped him. And he was crying. Delirious looked ready to yell at the guy until he realized who it was.

"Shit! Jp are you okay?"

The boy just sniffled and covered his face with his hands. Delirious put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and said, "Hey it's okay. I got ya."

Jp sniffled and pulled Delirious into a hug. Delirious let him and rubbed his back. Aaron felt bad for the kid and waited for him to calm down. When he calmed down Aaron asked, "Can you please tell us what's wrong?"

Jp stayed silent for a little bit longer before he looked at Aaron and Delirious.

"I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell my boyfriends or Wade."

"We promise."

Aaron and Delirious both new that if it was bad enough neither were going to keep that promise.

"Okay", Jp said. "Bob keeps cornering me and telling me that me and boyfriends need to stay away from Wade. He's been doing this for months. He said that Wade doesn't want to be in any kind of relationship with a kid who doesn't know how to keep his mouth closed for even a minute or idiot guys who would be dumb enough to date a guy like you in the first place. He said I should stop talking to Wade because Wade hates my voice. He said I was worthless, and nobody wants me here and -

Jp stop talking and went back to crying. Delirious was pissed. Aaron pulled Jp into a hug, rubbed his back and made soothing sounds. When he calmed down again, Aaron looked at him.

"Jp can I ask you something?"

Jp nodded.

"Do you or your boyfriends like Wade in that type of way?"

"No. We see like a friend, like a brother even. I'm even the one who helped Wade ask out Molly." Jp was slightly smiling.

"Okay, do you and Wade like to joke around and talk a lot?"

"Yes. We talk all the time. Weather it be because we just want to talk or if one of use is sad."

"Why won't you tell anyone about this?"

"Because I don't want us to lose Wade. I think if I tell him about this he'll choose Bob over us. I can't do that to Gar and Pat. We can't lose him because of me! He's our best friend."

Jp looked so sad.

Aaron hugged him again and the bell for second period rang.

"I'm so sorry! Now you're late for class."

Delirious smiled big and said, "it's okay all that means is that we get to make a big entrance."

The three smiled and walked together to get a tardy slip.

Aaron walks into his Literature class and gives his teacher the tardy slip.

"Thank you for finally joining us Aaron we are doing group readings. Please join the group with the two boys in the back. It has the boy who THINKS i can't see him eating beef jerky."

Aaron looks at the boys in the back and sees that it's Patrck and Gar. Aaron walks back there to them but as he walks he wonders how he should tell them about Jp.

Gar's the first to talk. "Hey it's great to see your doing better."

"Yeah thanks for helping by the way."

"Of course."

Aaron really wants to tell them about Jp but he decides not to. Aaron decides he'll talk to Wade about it.

30 minutes go by and Patrck, Gar, and Aaron are done reading. Aaron looks out the window into the hallway and sees Wade walk by. Aaron put his hand up and asks if he could go to the library. Daz lets him.

Aaron goes into the hallway and sees Wade a bit ahead He runs up to him and grabs his arm.

Wade jumps and looks at him. "Don't do that you almost gave me a heart attack", Wade laughed.

Aaron smiled a little then went serious.

"Wade we have to talk, it's important."

Wade looked a little confused but agreed. They went into the library so they wouldn't be seen.

"If this is about your note to Mark I haven't had a good time to give it to him. I never noticed it before but Bob is almost always with Mark."

Aaron had almost forgot about the note to Mark, but that didn't matter now.

"Wade it's not about the note."

"Then what is it about?"
"It's about Jp."


"Look Bob has been bullying Jp."

"What, why?"
"According to Jp Bob tells him that him and his boyfriends need to stay away from You. He said that you don't want to be in any kind of relationship with a kid who doesn't know how to keep his mouth closed for even a minute or idiot guys who would be dumb enough to date a guy like him in the first place. He said Jp was worthless, and that nobody wants him here."

Wade looked shocked.

"And that's not even all he wanted to say; he had to stop because he started crying again."

Wade looked so sad.

"Do you know how long this has been-

"He said it's been happening for months."

Wade started to cry.

"Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't Patrck or Gar tell me?"
"Patrck and Gar don't know. And the reason he didn't tell you is because Bob has gotten so far into his head he's honestly afraid you'll pick Bob over them."

Wade thought for a second then wiped away his tears.

"I need to go."

Aaron was surprised with how serious Wade was.

"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to apologize to Jp then I'm going to tell Bob to go fuck himself."

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