Chapter 12 (Final Chapter)

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Aaron watched Mark leave, in shock. He didn't know what to think.




Aaron finally snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Delirious. He didn't even realize he had come back.

"Are you okay?"

" i'm fine. Just feeling a little ill."

"Do you want me to take you to the nurses office."

"No no I just...I just need to go home."

Aaron didn't even realize he was crying until Delirious started wiping away his tears.

"Hey is Aaron okay?"

Aaron and Delirious turned and saw Evan heading towards them. He was still wearing his Vanoss jersey.

"I'm fine."

"He said he was feeling sick."

While Delirious and Evan were talking, Aaron texted his mom telling her she needed to pick him up.

Evan made Aaron look at him and asked, "Are you sure you're okay?"

He answered, "yes", but kinda choked.

Evan and Delirious didn't believe him.

"I have to go."

Aaron ran away from them, threw the hallways, and it the office waiting room and waited for his mom to pick him up.

She got to the school 30 minutes later.

"So what's wrong?"

Aaron didn't say anything he just stared out the window.

When he got home he told his mother he wanted to go back to England, they fought but his mother finally gave in. They both went to bed in tears. He leaves tomorrow after school.

He stared at his ceiling in silence.

Lately, I've been, I've been thinking

I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier

The next day

Aaron wakes up and gets dressed and packs the rest of his things.

When the morning comes

Aaron walked through the halls of the school. He saw Bob and Mark walk past him the crowd of people.

When we see what we've become

In the cold light of day we're a flame in the wind

Not the fire that we've begun

Bob purposely bumped into him, knocking him down and Mark just watches him.

Every argument, every word we can't take back

'Cause with the all that has happened

I think that we both know the way that the story ends

At lunch Aaron is sitting with Evan, Delirious, and there friends. Everyone is laughing and happy. Aaron looks up and sees Mark doing the same. He's laughing with Bob and Amy.

Then only for a minute

I want to change my mind

'Cause this just don't feel right to me

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