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"I can't believe it..." Ez stood in disbelief that his son was alive, after all these years thinking the opposite was true, "How... L-Look at you not dead!"

"Yeah, look at me." Ezrik glared at his father, a slight look of anger was piercing Ez, "Thanks for coming to save me asshole!"
"Hey! Do you think I didn't try!? Me and your mother were on a mission at the time that-"

"Save the excuses dad. Elic over here ended up saving me before the attackers could get to me. Speaking of mom though... what uh... what happened with her? Is she still here?"

"Your mother..." Ez stood silent, trying to hold back the tears that were already forming quickly, he took a deep breath, looking away, "She's fine."

"Something tells me otherwise-"

"Don't worry about her, Ezrik, she's completely fine!" He looked back over to Ezrik, with his demented look, "On a different topic... It looks like you're following in your father's footsteps, being all evil and shit!"

"Hmph. Sure am- Despite the fact that I turned evil first, meaning you're following MY footsteps."


"WILL YOU SILENCE YOURSELF???" Elic said, cutting him off, "Keep all of your petty arguing to yourselves until AFTER I'm done."

"Sorry, my master-" Ezrik said, while bowing in respect.

"Yeah, what the young evil wannabe said!" Ez let out a little chuckle.

"I swear if..." Elic took a breath, calming himself down, "I have need of both of you right now. You two need to gather information on a new villain that may or may not be showing up really soon. He goes under the name Plague, and is rather distinct compared to the rest of the people living in this age. Much like the name implies, he wears a plague doctor's mask from an era long since passed and has a glove that bears several syringes on it. His attire for the most part seems to be more formal than anything... A few scout demons tried to get a good look at his face and gather additional information, but weren't able to do much without dying. What I do know is that he has hair similar in length to yours, Ez, and brown in color. One of his eyes seems to have a massive burn scar across it as well. He does also have a bit of facial hair I believe, but other than that I don't have too much to go off of. I'm unsure of what his goals are, but it does seem as if he would make a fine addition to my army as it seems like he's quite powerful. I want you two to try and convince him to join me, or at the very least get some information out of him that would prove valuable."

"Will do boss man!" Ez pulled out his gun, twirling it around.

"Hm, no problem at all!" Ezrik smirked, "In fact, I'm sure I could negotiate better than my batshit crazy dad-"

"Don't upstage me, Ezrik-"

"Would dream of it~"

"Both of you just... SILENCE." Elic sighed, "Stop speaking to each other until I'm gone! Don't EITHER of you dare to mess up the mission with your petty bickering as well. Now... the last place we were able to spot him was in a forested area near civilization, the city of Je'Lindo to be specific."

"Ugh..." Ez sighed loudly, "Who even comes up with these annoying ass names??? They're so... stupid to spell out and pronounce sometimes!"

"Whoever named it does not matter... What matters is the forest that this Plague character is in needs to be checked out. Oh, and from my knowledge, he's not only strong but also incredibly powerful as well. If he tries to start something I trust you know what to do, just don't try and kill him if he doesn't try to do the same to you. He can still be valuable even in the case of him not joining us. Now... I'm going to leave and attend to more matters, seeing as you two were able to give a GOD a headache."

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