Chapter 2: A New Place

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I was getting off the subway, just like any other normal day after school. But there was only one difference. This time I heard gunshots around here, around my apartment. I ran towards the sound to see an old man lying on the ground. As I got closer, I recognized him as Uncle Ben.

"BEN! BEN! MOVE, THAT'S MY UNCLE!" I yelled, while pushing through the police and surrounding people. I sat beside his slowly dying body.

"BEN PLEASE! You're alive, you're okay, I love you." I spoke through the tears streaming down my face. I held him close to me as he whispered something.

"Peter, I love you. Never let anyone tell you who to be, Peter Benjamin Parker." he let out his last breath as I held him in my arms crying, whispering that I love him too.

The medics came after a few minutes and pulled me away. Seeing May walk towards us, she started talking to the other medics there, asking if we could ride to the hospital with him. The whole day was a blur once they confirmed that he was dead, and I went back home alone as May decided to stay at the hospital to figure things out. Putting on my new and improved Spider-Man suit, I swung out the window with my backpack and went back to the scene of the crime to trace the killer. I was out for vengeance, but once I got there, realization hit me. I'm not a killer. Just then, I turned to see the news. Uncle Ben's killer was caught right after and went to jail. I stayed out for the evening, clearing my head and just swinging around, finding a spot to sit when I heard Deadpool approach me.

"Listen merc, I'm not up for your bullshit tonight. Leave me alone." I didn't even have to turn my head to know it was him. It had been weeks since our first meet, and I always knew it was him.

"What wrong Spidey?" he took a seat next to me and started rubbing my back lightly. I flinched and moved away from him.

In an angry tone I said, "I said I don't want to talk about it dude. Leave me the fuck alone." He seemed taken aback by my anger and stood up, taking out his phone.

"Oh, Spidey, I am so sorry that happened to you dear." What was he talking about? How could he possibly know Uncle Ben died?

"I read the author's note after he wrote chapter 1."

"What are you talking about?" I was so confused. He shook it off and said it was nothing. I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks, so swinging home was my best option, leaving him in the dust. I went to an alleyway to change back into my normal clothes.

Once I entered the apartment, MJ and Ned were sitting on the couch with open arms. Falling into their embrace, tears started flowing out of me. Aunt May was on the phone with someone and once the call ended, she joined the hug that lasted for quite some time.

"Alright kids, it's about time we all get some rest. The two of you can sleep over, I know peter needs you guys." Aunt May said, while getting up and pointing to my room. "Oh and Peter? Someone is picking you up from school tomorrow, you'll know who it is."

"What's going on?" I was hoping it wasn't something bad.

"Well, I'll just say it. Happy Hogan is going to pick you up. I called him and got in touch with Mr. Stark to ask him if you could stay at the tower for a while, for safety reasons. After today's incident, I don't want anything happening to you either. I can protect myself, but not always knowing where you are, well I just want you safe. You're gonna pack some clothes and stuff tomorrow once he drives you here. Don't worry either, I didn't tell either of them that you're trans. You tell them that on your own terms."

Aunt May's call

May: Mr. Hogan, I need to speak to Mr. Stark, it's something of upmost importance. It's May Parker, Peter's aunt.

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