Chapter 4: Worst Days

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A/N: There will be a part where Flash beats up Peter. Slighty transphobic as well, considering he beats him up for being trans. If you get triggered by violence, I will put a warning there for you to skip over. It's not super severe, but I still want to put a warning for people that might get triggered.

I got sent into panic and tried to sit down on the couch, reading Betty's text again.

Oh, and Ned told me you live with the Avengers now. I'm right outside the tower. Can I come up so we can hang out? I would love to talk more.

Was she actually stalking me now? Everyone saw me having a panic attack and Natasha started to lead me to my room.

"Shouldn't we try to help him?" Steve spoke up.

"Was it his girlfriend?" Bucky jokingly spoke up.

Nat looked back at him, "Barnes, now is NOT the time. Shut up!"

We got to my room as I heard Mr. Stark buzz Betty in to the building.

"I-i can't. I can't breathe. She's, she's fucking stalking me!" I sat down on my bed trying to keep calm. Yes I was jumping to high conclusions, but looking back on all the clues, it seemed like she was stalking me. Watching me at the deli everyday, asking MJ and Ned things about me that she didn't even need to know, coming to the Avengers tower at 6 in the fucking morning on a Saturday.

"Peter look at me. It's alright, she won't get in here. Just breathe, breathe with me." she started taking in deep breaths and I followed along. I was starting to feel slightly better and decided to speak up.

"Her name is Betty Brant. She's very kind, and always sticks up for me when I get bullied for being trans at school. But lately, especially after her best friend left, she seems a bit stalkery. I just now realized it and it's freaking me out." I then pulled up the text to show her and she looked shocked.

"Peter, a friend is here to see you." Mr. Stark opened my door and let Betty in before I could say anything. I try to keep my panic under control and whispered to Nat, letting her know I'd be okay but to stay by my door. She and Mr. Stark left.

She sat very close to me on my bed, which made me very uncomfortable. "Hey Peter, I heard about your uncle. How are you doing?" She pulled me into a tight hug and I didn't know how to react, but I didn't hug back.

"I'm doing alright. Bringing it up doesn't help though, so can you please not talk about him?" I pulled away from the hug and she continued talking.

"Peter, this may not be the best time to tell you, but it might brighten up your day since I'm sure you feel the same way. Peter Parker, I'm in love with you. I have been ever since I laid eyes on you, and I know you feel it too. But Liz had you trapped, forcing you to love her." I tried but speak, but before I could say anything, Natasha came in and gave me an excuse.

"Peter will be very busy today and won't have time to hang out. We're all going on a family outing. So you need to go, Betty."

"Oh, alright. Bye Peter, I love you." She basically mouth fucked me, going in quickly for a hard and gross kiss that I couldn't stop, before she left.

"That looked disgusting kid." Natasha said once Betty left, while I wiped my mouth of all her germs. "JARVIS alerted me that your levels of stress, anxiety, and uncomfortability were high. It took all my might not to kick her in the face. She really IS obsessed with you." I nodded my head and she made sure I was okay before leaving my room.

I went into the bathroom to take a shower and scrub all of the Betty off my face and body. I started by brushing my teeth, then took off my clothes to hop in the shower. My music and poor singing were interrupted by my phone ringing. I answered before checking who it was and saw Betty on my screen. Firstly, she was facetiming me, second, she basically saw me without a shirt on. I mean, it was from the neck up, but I was still self conscious.

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