Chapter 3: When All Falls

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A/N: Slight trigger warning for signs of abuse and slight abuse in a crime fighting part when Peter patrols in the morning. Not really severe, but in case even the smallest things of abuse triggers you, even when it's strangers, I'll put a warning so you can skip it. {*TW*}

"So you're really living with the Avengers now huh?" Ned asked as we were walking to Happy's car. I was so excited just to even decorate my room with everyone.

"Yeah, and now you guys get to meet them too." I said while opening up the door for MJ and Ned.

"I can't wait to talk to Black Widow and Scarlet Witch. Such empowering and amazing women." MJ got all giddy and happy. It was good to see her like this. They both ranted to me on the car ride there.

They both stood in awe of the huge tower as we went in to ride up the elevator. All of the Avengers were once again waiting for us, just like they did when I came in yesterday. Ned was practically drooling as he ran up to shake Steve's hand.

"Mr. America, I mean, Captain Steve. I meant to say, Captain America, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ned, I'm Peter's best friend." MJ cleared her throat at that statement. She sauntered up to Steve and gracefully shook his hand. She was more under control than Ned. Everyone introduced themselves while we all went to my room to decorate.

Thor started putting posters up on the wall and ceiling since he was the tallest, with Wanda's assistance of course. She was also using her powers to move more furniture around in my room like chairs and stuff.  Mr. Stark and I started setting up a TV, while Bruce did the simplest thing, putting a laptop on my desk because he wanted to help too. MJ and Natasha were setting up the currains. All while music from the 1930s or 40s was playing, courtesy of Mr. Steve Rogers. Ned was bombarding him and Bucky with questions, but they didn't seem to mind. We finished and looked at the room, proud of ourselves. It was amazing.

"Thanks for all the help. This looks amazing you guys." I boasted with a big smile.

Steve spoke up. "I think we did this room justice." he said, while standing in a superhero pose and a smile on his face. "I'm gonna start on dinner." 

I saw Mr. Stark roll his eyes before inviting Ned and MJ to eat with us. Of course, neither of them declined, so we all ate dinner together. This was an amazing evening, even with Steve's not so good cooking. We all talked, joked, and just laughed. This could be the start of good relationships, a type of super family.


I've been living at the tower for a good few weeks now, and things have been going pretty alright. The girls and I actually have some inside jokes about me being trans that the others don't get. I've bonded with them, along with the others. I've picked up on Thor and Clint's sign language, and I have to say, it's pretty cool. Sometimes I end up cooking dinner because I'm actually better at it than Steve. I also met this man that does magic, apparently he's Mr. Stark's fiance. Dr. Stephen Strange, yeah his name is definitely strange, to say the least.

It was about 4 am on a Saturday morning when I woke up from another dream, about Ben. I was wide awake, so I decided to grab a snack from the kitchen. Walking in, I saw Natasha eating cereal.

"Oh hey Nat, what are you doing up so early?" I asked her as I grabbed a banana.

"I could say the same for you kid. I'm about to go for my daily run with Steve. Now you." she gave a bold smile as I started to tell her.

"Well, I woke up from a dream about my uncle again, his death. But since I'm up, I'm thinking about going on patrol. I just also need to clear my head a bit, get out of this depression funk. If you come back before I do, just let Mr. Stark know I'm alright."

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