Chapter 7: Oh Christmas

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I did what Natasha told me to, and handled my trauma. I decided to work it out like she did. Splitting my days in half, I had 3 days to check over and wrap everyone's presents, and 4 days fight my trauma. The training room was where most of my time was spent in those 4 days. Nat joined me sometimes and we would fight together. I was starting to feel a bit better from my emotions, and punched it all out, pretending I was punching the shooters face. I'll find him and his crew and I'll get justice. They belong in prison and deserve to rot there.

I woke up Christmas day to the sound of rocks hitting my window. "Yoohoo!" I saw Wade in his suit holding a duffel bacg, which I can only assume has gifts. He was hanging onto my window and I could see him slowly starting to slip. Opening the window for him, he came inside and gave me a big hug. I was back to talking to people, but didn't see anyone outside of the tower, so the hug felt nice and comfortable.

"Wade, what are you doing here so early? It's like, 5 am." I rubbed my eyes and yawned, as he ruffled my messy curls and checked his phone.

"Actually, it's 11 am. You must've slept in, spidey." oh crap, I hope I didn't anger everyone. My family was probably already awake and opening gifts without me.

"Shit. So, do you wanna change, or stay in your suit?" I know how uncomfortable he is with his appearance.

"I might change later. For right now though, I'm here to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from your favourite Deadpool." he put on a Santa hat and put reindeer ears on my head.

We walked into the living room together and everyone was sitting around, looking at us when we came in.

"Okay, before anyone says anything, he came in through my window like, 2 minutes ago."

"Oh we know, we saw it on the camera. You're too nice to have a guy sleep over, and too young." Mr. Stark gave a laugh and a smile as I saw my room on the TV.

"Haha. Yeah my life is so amusing to you guys." Wade and I joined Mr. Stark and Stephen on the couch they were on.

Clint started speaking and signing, "Alright, so gifts first, then we eat food and drink beer."

"When did you become me? Beer is my thing man." Thor spoke and signed back.

"Maybe we should just open gifts first." I saw Wade signing while he talked too. I didn't know he knew sign language.

Just then, MJ and Ned came up in the elevator in their pajamas, followed by Happy. I ran up and immediately hugged the two.

"You didn't think we'd let you spend Christmas without us this year, did you?" MJ asked. She and Ned always came by right after they opened gifts with their parents and spent some time with them, so everything was balanced out.

"Can we just open gifts already." Clint whined.

I gave all the Avengers their presents first, and they all seemed to love them and find them comical.

"Okay Stephen, I'm obviously #1 World's Best Dad. Hand it over." Mr. Stark said, as Stephen was holding the first mug.

"No, I am."

"Will both of you conceited idiots shut up while your son gives us our gifts?" Wanda chimed in. I then handed Thor his gift.

He laughed at the words printed and showed everyone else, which made us crack up even more. "ASSgardian, very clever."

Just then, Loki popped in. "I heard my name."

"No one said your name, witch." Thor responded.

"I told you last time, I'm not a witch."

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