2 - Rosie.

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Chapter two.

Getting a new job, a new house and a fresh new start is what me and Harley both needed.

I got the opportunity to run my own shop so I took it, I'm going to open a private clinic, so people can come here and not feel the pressure that the police are going to be called when their injured or answer any questions other than the standard 'where's the pain?' No questions about how they got the injuries.

It was my mother's idea. She knows how much I love to look after people, and I don't like to know too much so she thought it would be the perfect thing to open.

Also, we found a lovely 4-bedroom house just around the corner from the clinic. Harley's school is just around the corner as well so it's an amazing place to live and work as everything is in walking distance, my mum will be moving down here within a month as soon as she packs up her house. Her exact words were 'wherever you go I go' when I asked her why she would want to uproot her whole life for us.

I can't thank my mum enough, when I found out I was pregnant I was so happy, then upset as I didn't have Happy anymore. She was my shoulder to cry on, if it wasn't for her I would have quit college, I would have done absolutely nothing with my life but she didn't allow that, she made me go to college till I couldn't walk any more, then I do what I could online till I went into labour. When 2 weeks after I had Harley, I picked right back up and made sure I finished that course. I wouldn't be a failure. I would make something of my life for my daughter

I called her Harley because when me and happy used to talk about children we always said we'd have a daughter called Harley after his love for bikes, and a son called Harry, because they both start with H, and the middle name will start with R, we wanted to be different.

Harley inherited my hair and freckles but other than that she's all Happy, all the way down to the attitude and temper.

'Mum, can I pick my room now?' Harley said carrying her the last of her boxes.

'Yes baby, yours is the very top floor, it's already decorated for you.' I said pointing to the stairs.

I have picked the bedroom on the main level so I can hear anything strange, I'm always on alert, never unprepared, that's thanks to happy, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have heard the people trying to rob our my house when Harley was 7. That's what made us want to move, but I didn't realise it would take nearly 2 years to sell a house. A house I loved, it's a house me and happy loved when we were in school. We always walked past it on the way home and he always said when we get enough money that would be our house.

'Mum I'm hungry.' Harley brought me out of my thoughts.

'Okay baby lets go shopping, what do you fancy?' I said while picking up my bag.

'Chinese, no pizza, no subway!' She said while thinking.

She's clearly her father's child.

'You're like your daddy. I don't think they do a subway round here baby, I'll get nan to bring one here when she comes if you'd like?'

'Oh, okay no problem. Can we get pizza?' She said calming down, getting her shoes on

She knows all about happy, I never once hid him from here I just mentioned that he didn't have to know about her and that if he did he would be there in a heartbeat but I didn't have a contact number for him. I didn't want to tell her the truth that he didn't want her, that would break her heart. I have pictures of happy that she had stuck on her bedroom wall.

'Okay let's go, we'll walk. You don't need your coat it's a too hot out baby'

'Okay, mum let's go! I'm starving.'

Seeing the store around the corner on our way to the house, we took a slow walk getting used to the area, as we were walking past my shop, we heard a voice.

'Hey! Are you new here?' I looked around to see if she was talking to me, seeing as she was looking at me.

'Hey! Yeah, we just moved around the corner, I'm Rosie and this is Harley.' I said smiling while pointing to Harley who was waving.

'I'm Gemma but everyone calls me Gem, I was thinking who bought this shop, it's not been vacant for long.' She said while looking at the sign.

'Can I ask what it's going to be when it's opened? As HRH doesn't really give away.' She said while chuckling.

'It's going to be a 24/7 hours clinic, my mum recommended it. It's going to be a practice with no questions asked, like a hospital but no noisy nurses and police.' I said proudly.

'Oh, that's a great idea, I'll let my boys know, but can I ask what HRH stands for?'

'It's silly really, it's for Harley's dad, myself and Harley. I just thought it would be a lovely idea, what do you think?' I said rethinking my idea.

'Mum dad would love it; don't worry I like it too!' Harley said while tugging my hand.

'That's good baby, we better get going I need to feed the monster of yours.' I said while tickling her stomach.

'Mum stop!' Harley said laughing.

'I'll let you go, but my boys own a garage about 5 minutes from here, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to come and ask.' Gemma said while walking to her car.

'Thank you, it was nice meeting you' while waving at her.

'Let's go to the shops baby.' I said. 

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