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It's been a few days since we got home, well to my ma's

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It's been a few days since we got home, well to my ma's. I know happy wasn't happy to not have us go home with him but we needed space for a while. We rushed into it last time, I'm not doing that now.

Harley has been absolutely amazing with the babies, she's been helping as much as possible. She goes back to school on Monday and I go back to work, but for now, we have the whole weekend as a family. Happy has asked if I can go back to the cabin for the weekend so we can actually be a family and I agreed. It will be nice for Happy to do the night feeds and not struggle by myself.

Ma and Dad have been an amazingly helpful. Dad has been helping out throughout the day, the children seem to adore him.

Happy comes and sees the children every day, I called him crying the other day because Halle wouldn't settle and he came straight over even when it was 3 am.

The sons have turned into big softies with the girls as well, they were talking about how they will need to buy more guns for when they are grown up to fight off all their boyfriends, and how they will teach Junior how to pick up the ladies.

"Knock knock," Happy said walking through the door.

"You don't need to knock hap, stupid man," I said sarcastically making Harley laugh.

"Yeah dad, stupid man," she said cracking up

"Hey! No desert for you tonight miss copy cat" Happy said ticking Harley.

"Ma, tell him he can't do that," She said sticking her tongue out at him

"I'm not getting involved," I said laughing.

"Help me get the babies stuff ready Harls. If you pick up them two suitcases and start making your way to dad's we will be right behind you" I said while putting Halle and Hayleigh in the pram

"Okay ma," She said while dragging the suitcases that have all things I will need to for the babies. Most of mine and Harley's belongings are still there.

"Get Junior for me?" I asked Happily.

"Got him, I'll carry him" Happy said picking him up,

"So? When is the correct time to see her, seeing as you have been saying since we got back that it's not time yet? We can't move on till then Hap" I said to him while locking up.

Since we have got back I have tried hard to confront the woman but every time I try Happy doesn't let me, he says it's not the right time or his working and I'm not allowed without him. It needs to happen soon.

"Tonight, Jax is bringing Abel over and Lisa is going to take you, I know you want to see her without me," He said defeatedly

After a few hours of settling back into a routine, we had just finished dinner and was watching a film when the door knocked and opened. That must be Jax and Lisa. I'm kind of excited and nervous to confront this bitch.

Love Hap x - EDITING.Where stories live. Discover now