4 - Rosie.

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As we got back to the house all you could hear was Harley chattering Happy's ears off and him smiling

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As we got back to the house all you could hear was Harley chattering Happy's ears off and him smiling.

makes me think, why did he act so surprised when you knew I was having his baby?

'Harls go wash your hands baby while I start dinner, your dads not going nowhere for a while we need to chat' I said to Harley.

'Okay, mum. Can I show dad my photo albums? She said excitedly.

'Maybe after dinner baby'

Harley ran up to her room. I would call her when dinner is ready.

As I started making the pizza I could practically feel happy anger as he looked at me.

'Why didn't you tell me? Didn't I have a right to know I had a kid? Never pictured you as selfish Ro' he said seething

'I did tell you, I text you I called you. The only reply I got was from you saying it wasn't yours and you didn't want anything to do with it or me' I said to him.

'I didn't text you any damn message saying that! Why would I give up on our kid when both our dads weren't there? I ain't no dumb kid Ro you should know me better than that!' He said slightly calming down.

'What could I of done hap? You blocked my number, I didn't have a clue where you was? I tried asking your cousin to tell you but she kept saying it wasn't yours, everyone turned against me the minute you left me hap' I said with tears running down my face.

'What you mean turned against you?' He said confused.

'Tori told your mum and auntie that Harley was Shane's as she saw us at lunchtime doing a project for our art projects, which I told you about in the text messages. She must of got a picture because when I went to your mums to tell her about the baby she called me a puta and told me that the 'bebé' wasn't yours and I should never contact her again, then she slapped me and slammed the door in my face' I said with tears in my eyes thinking about the woman who I saw as a second mother.

'Your lying, my ma wouldn't do that she loves you' He said shaking his head.

'Go on ring her, bring me into the conversation, see what she says. Tori turned everyone I loved against me, she made everyone think I was a slapper' i cried.

'I will later. I don't see that happening as she loves you. My whole family do. Now wipe your eyes the foods burning' he said

'Harl's baby the foods ready' I said getting the food out the oven.

Harley ran down the stairs.

Dinner went well surprisingly, Happy fit right in with our little family, I can see Harley is happy that her dad is here by the big grin on her face.

Happy is well Happy, he is smiling and listening to everything she is saying but I can tell his mind is somewhere else. I know he doesn't believe me that his mum would so that, I couldn't believe it either. Kathryn was like a second mother to me and to know she could turn her back on me so quickly broke my heart even more than Happy did.

'Mum starts working in 2 weeks and that's when I start school. How cool is that? I get to make new friends! Have you seen mums store? It looks amazing doesn't it!' Harley was speaking so fast I could just about hear her.

'Slow down baby' I said laughing.

'The store looks good from what I've seen, I haven't been in yet, what's it stand for?' He asked.

'H is for-' Harley started to say.

'H is for nothing Harls. It's a secret remember' I said while trying not to be embarrassed.

I don't want Happy to know I named it after him. I don't want him to know I still loved him after all these years.

'Daddy can know. It's H for you dad, R for mum and H for ME' she said proudly.

Happy looked at me shocked.

'You named your shop after us?' He said quietly.

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