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It's been two months since I left charming, two months since I've been in lovely Italy

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It's been two months since I left charming, two months since I've been in lovely Italy. If I could I would live here for good.

Everyday I get the same sort of message from happy explaining that he is sorry and he didn't know how it happened. My dad has explained that he does his job and sees the boys then goes home. No party's no drinking, he mentioned that Happy can't recall any of the night after having a beer, which is strange. I'm not sure if I believe him or not, like how can you not remember the whole night after one drink? Specially when his body is basically immune to alcohol.

I'm starting to miss my ma and I can tell Harley is starting to miss Happy. The more pregnant I get the more I miss home. My old home with just me ma and Harley, obviously and now my dad.

It's too late to go back now, I'm heavy pregnant and I can drop any minute. I don't want Happy to miss the birth but I'm not sure I can face him. I don't want to be the horrible mother who makes the father miss the birth just over a break up. I won't be.

So I text him, and pray I'm not making a mistake by doing so.

It didn't take him to long to reply, it's like he was sitting on the phone waiting for me to text

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It didn't take him to long to reply, it's like he was sitting on the phone waiting for me to text. What he said made me happy and sad at the same time. How can he choose to cheat right now when we were months away from expanding our family.

It's been a few days since I text Happy, and his flight was due in today. Leah said she'll accommodate him into her home as she didn't want him in a hotel in case I went into labour in the early hours which is true.

I was nervous, excited and scared to see him, it's been two months since I've actually seen or spoken to him. He has messaged me twice a day everyday. I know they were having problems with the Irish but dad said they have sorted it. Which also means if I wanted to, I could go home.

Leah told me that it wasn't safe for me to go out when I could barely move. So I was on bed rest as she called it, which means I can still go to the bathroom and kitchen but I'm not allowed to go anywhere else. When I started getting really big they moved my bedroom to the ground floor so that I had access to everything just not the upstairs which is fine by me. Harley has her own room which is amazing. Leah let her decorate however she liked, I think Leah has more fun then Harley as Leah doesn't have any daughters.

I was waiting for Leah and Harley to get back from the airport. Leo, Leah's husband came back last week from a business trip but we don't really see him unless it's meal times because he is always busy, he runs a estate property business as well to help cover his back against the police.

It was about an hour later that I heard the front door open and hear voices. I can hear Harley charting away about her time in Italy and how she's had an amazing summer and she likes to be taught school at home with Luca and Dante.

'Honey I'm hoooome' I heard Leah shout.

'I'm in the kitchen'

I heard footsteps running towards me so I knew it was Harley, when I turned around I saw happy and Leah quietly talking to each other by the door. It looks pretty serious so I can tell it's important, when I saw Leah's face harden I just know whatever happened would piss me off even more.

'Hey ma! Dad is here' Harley said while hugging me.

'I know baby, why don't you go and show dad where he is sleeping? He had a long flight!'

'Hey Ro' Happys said in his deep voice

'Happy' I said nodding. I know if I looked at him while his looking at me I would cry, and I really do not want to cry.

'Come in Dad! Your room is next to ma's in case of the babies! They are coming soon I'm so excited, they are coming before my birthday. I can't wait to Abel to see my new baby brother and sister he is-' she chattered on while they were walking away.

'How are you Rosie?' Leah said coming to stand next to me.

'I'm okay, I'm in a much stronger place then I was before' I said and actually meaning it.

'Good, you aren't the same girl who turned up crying two months ago. I'm proud of you' she said giving me a hug.

I'm really not, I know in my mind that happy made a mistake and his sorry but just because he is sorry doesn't mean I'm going to forgive him, what he did was unacceptable in my eyes, it's not even just the cheating no more. It's the way he was distant with me and Harley, that is his daughter he shouldn't have acted like that.

I had time to focus on me and my children, I think when I met happy again my mind just went back to being 15 years old again and falling in love with a bad boy. I don't need or want a bad boy, I want a family, a correct family where we don't have to worry if someone is going to kill me every time I walk out the door or if someone is going to kidnap my children. If happy wants his family back then something has got to give, it's either us or the sons illegal side, I don't mind if he still works at TM and goes on runs with them, but to sell drugs, guns and to kill people? No. I don't want my children growing up like that.

I know it's harsh and I sound mean but he needs to grow up, his daughter is near 11 and he has two more on the way, he can't be out killing people all the time, but I know he loves them men like blood which is why I don't want to take that away from him. His already been to prison I don't need to be a girlfriend of a prisoner again.

'How's the kids?' I heard Happys voice.

'All good, they said because I'm carrying two and because I'm small then I wouldn't be able to carry full time, which I know because I didn't with Harley either, I'm off to bed I'll see you in the morning. Night'


Happy is back!

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