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It's been a month since the accident happened, Harley has slowly come to terms with what happened,happened

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It's been a month since the accident happened, Harley has slowly come to terms with what happened,happened. She's acting so grown up for her age, she acts like it doesn't affect her but I know when we are around the sons, she flinches away from them when they go to hug her, nobody else notices it except from me but call it mothers knowledge.

Happy has been distance since it happened, he doesn't come home a lot and if he does his always drunk or moody. I know they are looking for the Irish. I overheard dad talking to him the other day about it, but I don't really know why his pulling away from us. When he is home we don't talk because it leads to arguments and I'm 6 months pregnant, I can't be stressed. He doesn't even really talk to Harley anymore and I can see it's affecting her a lot. She may have only known him for a little while but he is her dad, he shouldn't be acting like this.

"But ma, what he is doing is wrong! She's 10 for fuck sake, what is he going to do when I have these children? Leave me to do it again on my own. I've had enough" I said frustrated

"He is stressed darling, I bet he doesn't even know his doing it. Your da is stressed as well baby." She said trying to get me to calm down.

"No, he is being a prick and he needs to change or I'm leaving him. I mean it ma"

"Okay baby, why don't you leave Harley with me tonight, there's a club party. Dress up a little and show happy what he is missing" she said smiling

"I'm like a whale ma, he wouldn't care" I said feeling like shit

"Your pregnant, with his baby might I add. He loves you! Go your dad and I will watch Harley" she said finally persuading me.

All afternoon I spent sorting out the baby's room with Harley. I can see how excited she is to have siblings. She has been a big help lately with how much things I need help with, like loading the washing machine and reaching for items. I would be actually lost without her seeing as we only see Happy once or twice a day and he ignores us. If I knew he was going to be like this I wouldn't of sold my house. I'm starting to really regret that now.

After Harley left to go to my mothers which was literally a minute walk away from our cabin I started to get ready. I didn't know what to wear so I settled on something simple.

It was only 7pm and the party had already started by the looks of it

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It was only 7pm and the party had already started by the looks of it. As I looked around for happy I couldn't see him, the closest person I can see and actually know was Jax so I pulled him aside and asked him if he had seen Happy.

"Last time I see him, he was walking to his dorm? His been really tired lately maybe he crashed out for a while before coming home" he said shrugging

Hopefully that is true, I only just arranged and I want to go home. My feet and back were killing me and these terrors kept kicking all day.

When I made it to the dorms I looked around for Happys but I couldn't see which one was his. I heard noises coming from one room and knew it wouldn't be his so I carried on walking, I was getting annoyed with the doors until I see Tig come out of one and start to bang on the door that was making all the noise.

"Hap keep it down man I'm busy!" He screamed and once the noise stopped he turned round and saw me and paled.

He must of seen the colour drain from my face exactly how his did, once I heard the name I knew it was him. I just knew Happy was cheating on me and Tig knew aswell. I couldn't stay here, I couldn't do this.

"Ro? I thought you was inside" he said confused

"Clearly not, do me a favour?" I said trying not to cry.

"Course girl"

"I need to get away for a bit, I just can't. Can you tell my dad that I'll ring him when I'm settled with Leah and they can bring Harley out. I just... Tig I can't" I said finally sobbing.

"Shh, shh. Don't cry over him baby girl, he isn't worth your tears. Go pack a bag I'll take you to the airport" he said while calming me down.

"Don't tell Happy anything. He probably won't even notice were gone"

"Won't say nothing,pack light I'll come get you in about 10 mins. Don't worry about Harley's stuff well pack that. I'll keep him busy tomorrow while your ma and dad fly out"

I packed as much stuff as I would need for a little while, I can buy anything else I will need. As I was packing I rang Leah and told her what happened and that I was coming to hers, which she agreed and said that Happy wouldn't find me there. 10 minutes later I heard the door open. I held my breathe thinking it was happy until I heard Tig call out.

"Let's roll! Fights booked, I spoke to your dad. They said Harley was asleep so they didn't want to wake her and that they will get a flight out first thing in the morning" Tig said picking up my suitcase.

"Thank you so much for this Alex" I said to him using his real name.

"It's no problem kid, your dad has done a lot of shit to save my life. It's only right I treat his daughter right, you do know happy will come looking for you?"

"I'm not leaving for good, maybe just a few months. Wait till babies are born or something, I can't go through this stress everytime tiggy, I love him to pieces but his broken my heart all over again and this time, my trust. That's not easy to get back" I said looking out the window seeing as we pulled up to the airport.

"Have a safe flight kid, don't worry about anything here. Next time I see you there will be 4 of you" he said laughing while helping me with my suitcase.

"Be safe Tig. Shoot first ask questions later" I told him the saying my dad thought me.


After a horrible and uncomfortable flight I was finally in Italy. I was waiting for my luggage to arrive before I go looking for Leah, she said she'll be waiting for me to take me back to hers. I can't express how much I cherish this woman. She is my rock

"Rosie" I heard scream as I looked around I saw Leah with her body guards all surrounding her, I completely forgot how she shouldn't be out in danger, but she came anyway just for me.

"Hey Leah" I said hugging her.

"Let's get you home Ro"

After a half an hour drive we was finally pulling up at the house, or well in this case mansion. I can't believe this place is going to be my home for the next three to four months. Now all I need is my baby girl here and we'll be complete.

 Now all I need is my baby girl here and we'll be complete

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What happens when Happy finds out? Will he be happy😂🤦🏻‍♀️

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