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It's been two months since Rosie died

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It's been two months since Rosie died. Two months since we heard the noise that her heart stopped beating. Two months since the doctor lied. Two months since we found out that he was paid to pretend she died so he can take her back to his boss while we all 'grieved'. He told all the nurses that her heart had stopped beating, when really he pulled the heart monitor out of the machine. If it wasn't for a trainee nurse who saw we would of all agreed she died.

He was a from a rival club. He was told that since she is important into the club she will be kidnapped. My fucking Rosie would be fucking kidnapped all because she's associated with the club through me. Chibs took care of him as soon we found out.

They actually told us when she heard Chibs words she tried to wake up a lot faster then she should have, so when she couldn't open her eyes she panicked, so she had a panic attack that's why the heart monitor went off.
She's stable, she will wake up when she wants to now. Her body has nearly healed, she is just going to have problems with her knee when she wakes up as she hasn't walked on it. She's not covered in bruises no more, she looks like my Ro now. Chibs has been here every evening telling her stories about the boys and his family in Scotland, Roxanne and Chibs have been talking but you can tell its strained hopefully when Ro wakes up they can all sit down and talk like a family.

"Aye boy, any improvement? Chibs said walking in holding coffee cups.

"No, just a waiting game now" I said signing.

"Try talking to her hap, she'll like you actually talking to her" Chibs said sitting in the chair next to Ro's head.

"Maybe, maybe she can't hear a thing" I said shrugging.

"Won't hurt, I'll give you guys a min" he said walking back outside.

"Hey baby girl" I said holding her hand.

"Stop being stubborn and wake up Ro, Harley needs her mum now"

"Okay keep sleeping but I'll keep talking, gosh you was always a lazy girl. Two months is a long time to sleep. Instead of calling you Rosie I should call you lazy"

"Call me lazy and I'll knock you out hap" I heard a quiet voice.

"Ro?" I said looking at, I can see her eyes starting to open.

"Well obviously, water hap" she said

I was in shock, I was frozen till I remembered she asked for water so I quickly made her a water and give it to her, then I press the nurses button so they can come in.

"I was fine till you woke me up, where's Harls? I want to apologise for yesterday" she said looking around.

"Yesterday? Ro, you was" I was cut off by the nurse coming in the door.

"Oh! Hello Miss Samuel. How are you feeling?" She said shocked that Ro is awake.

"I'm feeling fine, when can I go home?" She said impatiently.

"Well we need to check over your records and see how your wounds are healing. We need to see if you can walk with your knee as it hasn't been used for two months" the nurse said looking over Ro's chart.

"Two months?" Ro said shocked.

"Yes Ro you was unconscious for two months" I said

"Your chart looks all okay, the doctor will be coming to talk to you, but i don't see why you can't go home in the morning" she said smiling.

"Thanks nurse" Ro said.

"Why are you here?" She said emotionless at me.

"I just see a nurse come out, what's wro" chibs said his words getting lost when he see's Rosie's awake.

"Eh hap why is he looking at me like that?" Rosie said freaking out.

Looking at Chibs I can see he was smiling and had tears in his eyes.

"Roxanne get here!!" Chibs screamed.

I can hear her heels on the floor, She ran into the room and looked at Rosie, you can see her tears streaming down the face while she ran to Rosie hugging her.

"Oh my baby, my baby is awake" she kept saying while hugging her.

"I'm awake ma, why are you crying" she said confused.

"We was told you died" Chibs said.

"I'm going to ask again, who are you and why are you still looking at me like that?" She said to Chibs getting angry at the him.

"Aye he is your dad baby" Roxanne said.

"Dad?" She said confusingly.
"Aye I'm Phillip, or dad or Chibs, whatever you would rather" he said trying not to choke up.

We heard the door open and Ro's new doctor came through the door smiling at seeing everyone so happy. He asked everyone for a word in privacy to talk to Rosie, I didn't want to leave her after the doctor and I think they can all see that but Ro made me leave. She threatened me with her dad. I think that made her happy that she can do that now.

"Now, Miss Samuel. Did you know you" that's all I heard before the door closed.

I thought she was fine? They told us she can go home tomorrow. I know Harley will be happy to see her mum again.

Now I just need to get my family back together.

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