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When I woke up I rolled over and pulled Rosie closer to me, but when I buried my face into her hair I couldn't smell the strawberry shampoo she used, I smelt sweat and alcohol

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When I woke up I rolled over and pulled Rosie closer to me, but when I buried my face into her hair I couldn't smell the strawberry shampoo she used, I smelt sweat and alcohol. That's when I knew I fucked up. I sat up so quickly I ended up waking up the girl next to me, I didn't recognise her so she must of been a new croweater or a friend.

'Hey Hap, thanks for last night' she said getting up and pulling her clothes on.

'Eh don't mention this to anyway, I have an old lady' i said seriously

'I know, she's all you spoke about' she said sadly like she actually meant something to me.

Maybe just maybe I can tell Rosie before she finds out,'maybe she'll laugh it off and say it's fine it was a drunken mistake.. but who am I kidding. Rosie would pack up and move away before I could say boo. So that's settled, I'm not going to say nothing and this girl isn't going to say nothing and Rosie will never know and I'll have my perfect fam-

'You fucking bastard! Didn't I fucking warn you what would happen if you hurt my daughter?' Chibs said while kicking the door in and storming in.

'Chibs.. it was a mis-' he didn't let me finish.

He punched me straight in the face and knocked me down, then he jumped on me and started punching me everywhere. I know it's useless to fight back, his protecting his daughter just like I would. Which means if he is here hitting me, Rosie knows.

Rosie knowing means Rosie leaving
Rosie leaving me means I don't see my kids
Rosie leaving me means my old lady.

'Get the fuck off me I need to get to her and speak to her before she leaves' I said pushing him off me and running for the door.

'you are too late' Chibs yelled.

'She's taken off already and with Harley. You lost your whole life for a slapper, how does that feel? Knowing you can't get them back? They are long gone' he said taunting me while laughing.

No. No she can't, she needs to hear me out, she's probably just gone to her ma's. That's right she'd go to her ma's, she has nobody else!

'Okay, I'll get her back later. She loves me and I love her, well settle this, it's just a misunderstanding' I said shaking my head trying to stop the tears.

'No you won't, she's not here hap. She's left. All because you had to cheat, why couldn't you just keep it in your pants! She heard you hap that's even worse ' Tig said disgusted.

'Okay, Okay she just needs to cool down, I'll text her and explain. She can't leave me we're soulmates, she's having my children for fuck sake!' I said getting frustrated.

'Juice, JUICE!'

I can get Juice to track her, and then I can find her. Yes I can! Why didn't I think of this in the first place?

'Yes Hap?' I heard Juice poke his head round the door frame.

'Track-' I didn't finish my sentence.

'No you aren't tracking my daughter. I know where she is and when she's good to come back she will, are you forgetting the Irish are still after her even more when they realised who's in love with her?' Chibs said.

How can I forget that? That's the whole reason why I haven't been home. The Irish have been our rivals for years, but somehow they got us at a weak spot, they found out about Rosie, Roxanne and Harley. What I didn't realise as well is that one of the Irish leaders son went to med school with Rosie and fell in love with her, but when he got rejected he didn't take that well. So that's just added reasons why the Irish want to wipe out my whole family because of a silly little crush.

'I know, I'll wipe them all out then I'll get my family back'

'Good luck you'll need it' Chibs and Tig said at the same time.


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Short chapter but you can see how Happy feels.

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