5- Happy.

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I needed a strong fucking drink. How can my own mum do that? She knew I left to make sure Rosie wasn't in danger, how can she push her away when obviously she needed my mum.

My mum loved Rosie like she was her own kid. She treated her better than me most of the time so to hear that she called her that and slapped her has pissed me off. I love my mum to bits, she's all I've got, so when I moved I thought that she'd have Ro to lean on to and have her and Roxanne as a support system, I know we ended badly but family doesn't come into it, my family is hers and vice visas, we both grew up without our dads. Our mums met up at a school meeting and were best friends ever since but I guess that has changed now.

I know it's late so I'll have to ring my mum tomorrow to talk to her, now onto the second important matter is how the fuck I didn't know I have a kid?

I know Rosie isn't a bitch to not tell me after growing up without hers, but how could I of text her when I don't remember getting any texts from her? I wouldn't have wasted so much time not going home if I realised I had a kid, I would have made them move up here sooner. I would have done everything to protect them and I still will.

I can see Harley is a happy healthy child, I just wish I didn't fuck it up and we could have been a happy family.

I want to be in Harley's life, no scrap that I want to be in both of their life's. I want my girl and my daughter back here with me, I know Ro still loves me, she wouldn't have named her fucking shop after me if she didn't, she wouldn't have told Harley about me, she could have made her hate me. Could have made sure that Harley didn't know fuck all about me but she didn't do that.

Pulling me from thoughts I heard my phone ding with a text from an unknown number.

'Hey happy it's Rosie, Harley keeps asking if you would like to go to the park with her tomorrow, just the two of you as my mums coming into town to help set up the shop. If you're busy I can let her know.'

I gave my number to her before I left to make sure she contacts me if she needs anything, I'm just so glad Harley wants anything to do with me after I left Rosie, just shows that my Ro is a one in a million. Any other girl would have turned their kid against the dad if he wasn't around but no, she made sure Harley knew all about me.

'Hey Ro, yeah I'll take her park. What time should I pick her up? I don't mind having her all day so you can get your mum settled in, is she staying with you?'

Her mum was my second mum, I know she might not be happy with me but it'll be lovely to see her and catch up. When my mum was working I was always round their house. I really don't know what I would have done without Roxanne.

'If you pick her up at 12, she would have just had lunch so you don't have to worry about feeding her, that would be great if you could have her just for a few hours. We're going to have dinner with my ma, so if you bring her back by 5 if that's okay, and yeah she's staying with us till she gets her own place.'

'That's fine, I'll be round at 12. It'll be good to see ma, night Ro. Sweet dreams baby girl.'

I know she won't be happy with that nickname, but she is and always will be my Ro. My baby girl.

Next morning.

I figured Ro wouldn't let me take her on the bike so I stopped by the clubhouse to pick up Gemma's SUV. I didn't want to explain why I needed the car, I just asked and said I'll bring it back in a few hours. If I'm going to be taking my kid out from now on I'll definitely need to invest in a car until Ro lets her on the bike.

I stopped at the shops on my way over to get some chocolates for the kid and Ro. I know she hates flowers so no point getting them, she says the flowers are for the dead.

As I parked outside the house I could see the curtain move and the door swing open.

'Dad dad!' Harley screamed excited when she saw me getting out the car.

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