Light flooded around her body as she felt her armor burning off. The scorching hot feeling of the heat and of...failure. With a scream of remorse, Astrid was thrown from the portal that brought her through the realties.
Her body was crouched on the floor as she let out a wail. Tears streamed down her eyes as she realized that it was over, she has failed. It had been 21 days since Thanos ended the lives of half the worlds population. Nothing was the same anymore and to her disappointment, the other realities Sarah, Anthony, Lilly, Astrid and Ben weren't so lucky either. She'd tried so hard to persuade them to join her cause, to help bring back her friends and family. But they all declined, she'd almost lost her life fighting the other realities Astrid on Asgard. And then she looked down at her watch and realized she had to leave, it'd been 21 days since she'd entered the portal and who knew what lied beyond the doors now.
Long story short, now Astrid was here, the Astrid of this Earth, the one we live on. Stripping herself from her armor, she began to notice that her injures from her battle with the evil Astrid were worse than she thought. A burn mark from lightning was on her lower calf...and it was still hot. Groaning, she stripped the rest of her armor, leaving her in her old super suit. Yes...the one Anthony and Lilly made. Tears streamed down her eyes again as she thought of their escapades across the universe. She'd never forget Ben, the love of her life. She'd never forget Sarah and Anthony's adorable on again off again thing and of course she'd never forget Lilly's faithfulness to a cause she was warped into. These were her friends, her family. And they were gone.
Wiping the tears she found the strength to get up and look around, no one was there and the room looked seemingly the same, until she saw it. She had memorized the whole room by heart, and when she saw that the vase was moved from it's original spot, she let the lightening run through her veins again. With a grunt, she sent the pulse towards the vase and Thor jolted out the way. Astrid rolled her eyes. "Why are you here?" She asked him, letting the power disappear for the time being. "Why are we here you mean?" Steve asked, stepping out as well. "Great, it's a whole ass reunion." "Watch your language." Cap stated. "You're not my dad." Astrid came back. "No, but I am." Thor said, Storm-Breaker by his side.
Astrid limped over to Thor, a look of hate in her eyes. "I don't have a father anymore, not after what you did." She admitted before limping towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" Steve asked. "None of your business." "Astrid..." "I lost my boyfriend and my friends!" She screamed. "I lost my daughter!" Steve yelled back. For a moment, Astrid felt sympathy for him. Until she realized the truth. "She never loved you anyway." Astrid began limping away again but she felt a jolt of pain surge through her as she fell to the ground. "Let's get her to the car, we have a long ride to go before we get to the base."
A few hours later, the three of them arrived at the Avengers second base. "Tell Nat to let us in." Steve instructed. Thor nodded and followed suit. After a few minutes of waiting, the doors to the base opened up and in they all walked. Astrid was still stiff from being knocked out by lightning and the cuffs they made her wear weren't exactly helping either. After walking down a few halls, they reached a room with a white door. "What the hell is this?" Astrid asked. Neither Cap nor Thor answered, they just unlocked the cuffs and threw her in. Before she could panic, the door opened again and someone threw in a bag of clothes and a towel and wash cloth with soap. "Happy bathing." They said before the door closed again. And for the first time in a while, Astrid smiled.
After her shower, she put on a leather jacket and a white shirt with some jeans.
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Before she left, she looked in the mirror and saw her split ends, that's when she grabbed the scissors and just started cutting. The mirror began to shake and Astrid struggled to make even cuts, eventually giving up and doing whatever. The shaking stopped and she made her way to the sitting area where all the heroes were. They were all crowed around three people. "What the hell is going on here..." She stopped when they moved and she saw them. Tony Stark sat there, looking frail and like he needed something to eat and a good nights sleep. Beside him, was a tall blonde woman in a similar uniform to Cap's and a boy with blonde hair on the other side of Tony.
Astrid caught his eye and he smiled before looking away. "'s so nice to meet you..." Tony said before passing out. Rhodes and Pepper took him to the infirmary, tears streaming down Pepper's face. They had lost their only son, and that was heart wrenching. The painful memories came flooding back as she remembered what happened only 22 days ago. The woman and the boy went over to the round table and began talking. "We found Tony and the blue one a few light years away from Earth. We picked him up and flew him here." She stated. Astrid was still hella confused and Natasha sensed that. "Well um, thanks Carol. Astrid it's great that you're back. Carol, Carson this is Astrid, Thor's daughter. Astrid this is Carol and Carson. Carol is a hero known as Captain Marvel and here's her son Carson." Carson stood up and shook her hand.
"Hi." He smiled. Astrid cleared her throat and smiled. "Hi." They held each others hand for a few more seconds until Thor and Steve came into the room. Thor cleared his throat and walked over to Carol. "It's been a while, Danvers." He said sternly. "Yeah well, someone has to protect the universe while you guys sit around her and do nothing." Astrid snapped at that. This woman had lost nothing.
"You wouldn't know what it's like to morn because you've lost no one. We lost 3.5 billion people. Including our friends, family and loved ones you little bitch. You've got you're family right here though, right?" Astrid finished. Thor took a seat as Carol stepped closer to her. "And what did you loose?" She asked. Astrid held back the pain it took to say it, and Carol saw that. "Everything." She cried, wiping away the tears. As soon as Thor saw his daughter crying, he shot up and stood in front of Danvers' and Carson. "Hey man." Thor ignored the boy and looked Carol right in the eyes before sticking out his hand.
A few seconds went by and a whizzing sound cut through the air. Thor's weapon, Storm-Breaker, landed in his hands, mere inches from both Danvers' faces. And they were unfazed.
"I like this one." Thor determined, and that's when Astrid started to like them, too.