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If you love the performance of your car engine, then you must have come across the principle of supercharging. The whole idea of buying a good performance car such as a Mustang is to get the thrill out driving but sometimes you realize you need some more. This is where Edelbrocksupercharger comes in handy.

Banking on Supercharging

A question first, what is a cool car according to you? This question is open to interpretation but you will concur that its appearance, comfort, speed and power determine what falls in the category as a super car.

While the first two aspects are easy to achieve, speed and power need input that is more technical. If you check most of the auto magazines and even racing events, you will realize that performance debates center around super and turbo charging. 

If you are a car fanatic, then it behooves upon you to understand some pertinent issues about supercharging. This will help you make an informed choice when comparing performance kits from different manufacturers.

Questions on Supercharging Answered

To get an idea, here are some common questions on this engine performance enhancing process:

·         What is supercharging? In the simplest terms, superchargers are pumps designed to give more horsepower to your engine by pushing more air into the combustion chamber than an ordinary engine. With more combustion comes more force to push the pistons down giving more torque and horsepower to your engine, cool isn’t it?

·         Is there a supercharging option for every vehicle? Generally, there are models such as Ford Mustang and Chevrolet that use these superchargers but you can get more variety when you buy from reliable makers such as the Edelbrocksupercharger.

·         Isn’t it risky and costly? This is a fallacy because supercharging only works under high load conditions such as going uphill, when towing, or accelerating. In addition, a performance car needs an upgrade of other units such as the reliable SSBC brakes

·         Exactly how much more power does the car get? While you might come across estimated gains on supercharging kits, they actually add horsepower as a percentage gain. They thus depend on application and modification.

·         Does supercharging affect engine life? You have to understand that engine life is a function of your personal driving style. It all burns down to not abusing the vehicle just because it has undergone a tune up.

·         Are there other modifications needed to achieve more than 50% horsepower? You will have to strengthen your engine internal components. In essence, anything connected to achieving power needs some tune up. For example, using a Centerforce clutch is a no-brainer and if your car does not have one, it is necessary for efficiency.

Truth be told, there are many more questions drivers ask. It is crucial to ask everything from your car specialist as you go through the best way of enhancing your car’s performance.

Banking on Edelbrocks Performance Kit

Now that you appreciate what supercharging offers your car, why not look at what Edelbrocks E-force supercharger has to offer. For starters, it is street legal kit having served drivers for years with excellent results.

At the core of the unit, is Eaton’s 2300 TVS® rotating assembly. This comes with a four-lobe design offering a 160° twist. The benefits arising from this design include minimal temperature rise and excellent driving experience with a quiet operation.

Shopping for Your Supercharger

The best place to buy is of course online. These platforms give you a chance to gain immense knowledge about these systems. You can also learn what more you can do to make your car even more powerful.

Whether you are looking for supercharging only or extras such as a Centerforce clutch, an online store will be able to offer a complete package.

Are you ready for a thrill of a lifetime? Start searching for the best dealer to source your supercharger from. Your driving experience is about to change forever.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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