We could hear them clearly now. Talking about "I'mma knock the shit outta that fucker" and "That bitch...she in for it now, yo." Talking all sorts of nasty, threatening stuff. It was sooo scary. I couldn't believe this was how my LIFE was ending. Things were so normal one second, and then boom! You're probably gonna die any second. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I decided to concentrate on British guy's breath. British guy...what was his name? I couldn't remember!
Well, he had a slow, shaky rhythm of breaths going on, so I listened to that. It made me feel better knowing I wasn't alone.
Their voices got so loud, I was sure they were walking onto the sidewalk and over to our little doorway cove. I couldn't open my eyes, though. I was afraid they'd see the whites in the dark! And my face was buried in this guy's neck, so I didn't want to move my head anyway. Ed, Ted, Ian...ETHAN! He said his name was Ethan! I remember now!
Voices. Threats. Evil laughter. I could even hear the slapping of a bat or some kind of wooden object in someone's hand, and sometimes clanking on the street as he walked.
The clanking got close with the voices, but then seemed to fade...along with the voices. Did they actually not see us?!? Were they actually walking PAST???? There's NO WAY this doorway tricked them.
Maybe it was just too obvious of a spot, so they weren't expecting someone to be dumb enough to hide there? It just seemed impossible.
I held my breath and listened harder.
Yes. Yes! The voices were going down the street! They actually walked right past us, and didn't see us! Omg! Omg! O.M.G!!!!!!!?
I heard Ethan's jagged breathing stop. I guess he was listening too.
Neither of us dared to move though yet. We still crouched there together, perfectly still. Perfectly silent as the voices echoed through the darkness...further and further away.
We dared not move for a long, long time.
Since the immediate threat was gone, I started to notice my tingling sensation again.
It was soo nice, compared to thinking you're about to die a violent death.
The voices were almost faded out, and Ethan finally put his head up, so I followed. He looked straight at me, and I looked at him. He looked relieved. I thought I even noticed a slight smirk on his face. He was probably as amused as I was, that the worst ever hiding spot didn't get found out.
He opened his mouth and said "Holy shit Jenna...I can't believe..."
And suddenly the huge metal door whipped opened and cut him off.
We both jumped even though we were still squatting, so we fell over next to eachother and looked up into the doorway.
There in the dim light of the doorway, stood a man, with long, thin hair and a scrawny face, holding one of those huge, long black machine gun looking guns, and it was aimed right at us.
Ethan started to get up and reached over for me to get up with him. But the man in the doorway growled "Don't even THINK IT".
It was then that I noticed from the dim light from inside the building, that there was a camera mounted in the top corner of the doorway. Had he watched us this whole time? Did he just notice us now?
I decided to let him know we weren't tresspassing or anything. "We're sorry sir...there was a gang after us..."
"Shut up. Vince, Marcus, go get them."
Ethan and I both turned to eachother and the look of horror was in his eyes again. This time, with a hint of desperation and some "are you fucking KIDDING ME" to go with it. I gave the same look, as two strong looking men came out of the doorway and walked past us, stood behind us, and.................................................................................................the last thing I remember was the look in Ethan's sparkling eyes.
Ethan's POV:
Oh shut the fuck up, assholes, is all I could think as I listened to the men coming up the street. They sure were taking their time. Strolling along, carefree, just waiting for their targets to appear. It was making me sick. I actually felt nauseous that people like this would be the end of us. And they'd continue their wasted lives here on Earth, and we wouldn't get to. Fuck them. Damn them to fucking HELL. I knew one thing. I'd fight as hard as I could. First, to protect Jenna, and second to try and live, myself. I knew it would be useless. But I couldn't not try. I had too much to live for.
Damn this doorway. We might as well be standing in the middle of the street with targets painted on our faces.
Here they they come....this is it.......just breathe. Breathe. Concentrate on Jenna. Connnnnncentrate.........breathe.......
I finally got a steady breathing pattern down. And soon, it seemed like Jenna caught onto it too. She breathed right in sync with me.
Poor Jenna. She must be so fucking scared. She must regret trying to help me, right about now! No good deed goes unpunished, right?
Just when the voices couldn't possibly get any louder or closer, they seemed to start to fade again??
No. That couldn't be. They would have HAD to have seen us here, cowering in the corner like abused puppies.
There's NO way....................
It was unbelieveable. TOO unbelievable. I didn't DARE move yet. I was sure at least one of the guys was still here....silently standing there, tricking us....waiting until we thought we were could NOT have worked out that perfectly just now......could it?
It feels good thinking our hiding worked. So I didn't want to ruin it, and face any possible opposite truth, by moving. felt good to be wrapped around Jenna. She was probably hating me at the moment, for getting her into this, but I was loving being this close to her. She felt good. She smelled good. Her breathing sounded good....
As soon as the voices faded to almost nothing, I slowly lifted my head. So did Jenna. We looked at eachother in shock. In disbelief.
That actually WORKED??????????
That's crazy!! I started to smile slightly...."Holy shit Jenna....I can't believe...." And a sudden loud sound stopped my talking.
Scared the shit out of us, and we fell over in the doorway........
A man with a gun aimed at us......two guys that he gave orders to "go get them".....
What the fuck?? Would this nightmare of a night EVER end happily??
I turned to Jenna as my heart sunk in my chest. Our victory was SO short lived.............then I felt something over my mouth and then...nothing.

Out of Desperation Came Forever After
Aktuelle LiteraturBy being a good samaritin one night in a dark alley, Jenna realized that no good deed goes unpunished. But by being kidnapped with the man she tried to save, (a newly famous musician, though she didn't realize it at the time.) and despite the horrib...