Ethan's POV:
After laughing so wonderfully, and telling her that everything would be ok now, I had Jenna roll over, so we could spoon. I could hold her more securely that way. I could hold her closer that way. I still felt the need to protect her. I needed her to be as close as possible. And I needed her as a sort of teddy bear, to hug and feel better with. At last, the security of being together helped us drift to sleep in no time.
We awoke to laughter and muffled giggles and squeals. It was early morning I could tell by the sunlight. A whole different round of nurses were working now. I was suprised no one went looking for me during the night, and found us and split us up. What a perfect night it had been. I know this, because I'd woken several times suddenly, only to find Jenna in my arms, and fell back to sleep with relief.
When the nurses noticed they woke me, they each said an awkward sorry, and rushed out of the room giggling.
A younger doctor came in after them. He apologized for the squirmy, star struck nurses. He said he could hear them talking all morning, peeking into the room whenever they could, to watch me sleep. Then they'd run back to the desk and swoon with the other nurses, and talk about how cute I was when I slept, and how adorable it was that I held Jenna so tight and never let go of her.
He stopped talking and gave me a wink and a smile.
"That's why we left you here. It entertained the third shift nurses all night. And, because everyone figured you guys needed to be together, and there was no harm in it. AND, because you're a celebrity, and you get special treatment, right?" he told me with a grin on his face."Yes. That IS right. I AM a celebrity, and I'm BACK. So if you'll just have Jeeves move my stuff over to this room, that'll be great, thank you." I joked back to him.
"Ha ha haaa.....ok, maybe not THAT special of treatment......YET. But you have my permission to stay here as long as you like. We will need to examine both of you soon, and we'll ask you to be in your own rooms for that. But you've been through enough, and being together can only help you both heal, so spoon away. I'm doctor Murray. It's nice to meet you both. I don't have any kids to use as an excuse for an autograph, but maybe when you're leaving...." and he raised his eyebrows in anticipation at my answer. "It'll just be one extra signature. All the nurses already have their papers and Sharpie markers ready, I warn you now. I told them all to wait till you were checking out of our fine establishment", he added in."I'd be happy to oblige, doctor Murray. Nice to meet you. And thank you" I responded.
And then since he'd said it was nice to meet us both, I leaned over to see Jenna's awake face for the first time in the daylight, with no danger around us.
It was like seeing her in a whole different light.
And I loved what I saw. My heart skipped a beat in anticipation of getting out of here and starting REAL life with her.
The doctor finished looking over the charts at the end of the bed, and walked away.
How nice of them to put both charts here. I guess they sort of DID "get my things" for me.
Maybe I'd give them all tickets to a show...whenever that would be, that is. I knew I wasn't ready, and might not be for a while, to get back out there.
I just wanted to be home, and relax, and get used to life again.
Amazing, how 7 days can feel like I've been on a deserted island for years.
I wasn't ready for the world yet. I needed to be ME for a while.
Well, me with Jenna.Jenna rolled over towards me and smiled. It was the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. It hit me hard, with the friendly sunlight shining on her through the hospital windows. Her still sleepy eyes, her messy hair, and the way she could smile so wide like that, after all that we'd just been through.
She'd be fine. I knew it. WE'd be fine. This would work.I kissed her on the forehead and pulled her against me as I said good morning to my angel.
She managed a good morning my knight, with her mouth muffled against my chest.
Then the doctor from yesterday came in and ruined the perfect moment. It was ok though. There'd be plenty more to come.

Out of Desperation Came Forever After
General FictionBy being a good samaritin one night in a dark alley, Jenna realized that no good deed goes unpunished. But by being kidnapped with the man she tried to save, (a newly famous musician, though she didn't realize it at the time.) and despite the horrib...