JENNA'S POV still:
Voices echoed in my head. Far off voices. Warmth. I felt warmth. The warmth felt sooo good.
I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to sleep more. But the voices kept getting louder and closer.
No. Clearer. They were getting clearer.
And tingles. I now noticed tingles everywhere.
I didn't want to open my eyes, though. The warmth. The tingles. Let people talk. I don't care. I'm cozy.
My eyes bolted open.
When they adjusted, they were staring at a ceiling.
My mouth felt so dry, I tried to swallow, but it didn't work. My throat hurt so badly.
I felt a stirring on my chest, and a second later, redness came into my view as I looked down.
Redness was in my eyes. Tickling my face as it moved up. Ethan's face came into view. It was Ethan's hair in my face!
The tingles! I felt them in my sleep?? The warmth! It was him!
His face was soaked. Was it sweat?
He took one look down at me, and sighed, which became a sob, that formed my name.
Nope. The wetness on his face wasn't sweat, I now knew.
I melted as I everything came back to me. I must have fainted. Yes. I was sitting on the table. I sat up to see Ethan, and ended up seeing nothing.
I struggled to get my arms free of the blanket that was around me. I grabbed Ethan's face and pulled him to me, and cheek to cheek, we sobbed together.
We sobbed loud. And hard. But best of all, together.
His sobs shook my whole body and bumped his cheek bone on mine. But I didn't care.
We were alive. We were together. And we were....where were we, anyway?
I still didn't care.
We cried for what seemed like forever.
My shoulder was soaked where he leaned his face on me.
We didn't move until our sobs gradually died down to mere after shocks gasps. Like a child after throwing a crying fit.
Finally, he lifted his face off of my neck and shoulder, and looked into my eyes, gave a loving smile, and leaned back down to cover my salty lips in his salt soaked lips.
Somehow, I felt like I was rolling. I opened my eyes, and noticed I WAS rolling. WE were rolling!?
He lifted his face and let me look around.
He was sitting in a wheelchair, holding me like a baby! We were both under a white blanket. I was still nude. And I could see the top band of his underwear.
Looking back, I saw a woman pushing our wheelchair.
We were still in the building, I just noticed. We were in a hallway I'd never been in before.
And the woman rolled us out the door.
The sun hit my eyes like a brick in the face.
Ethan, who had been watching me discover the world around me, pulled up the blanket to cover the sun for me and him.
I decided I didn't need to know where I was rolling to, or what was happening next. I just wanted to stare at Ethan, and touch his face and arms and enjoy being held by him and just soak in every second of being together and thankful that we were BOTH alive.
We made it.
We lived!
We were FREE!!!!
Oh my God.....we were FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pulled Ethan to me tighter, and as if he could read the realization on my face, he smiled a knowing smile, and held me tighter, too.

Out of Desperation Came Forever After
General FictionBy being a good samaritin one night in a dark alley, Jenna realized that no good deed goes unpunished. But by being kidnapped with the man she tried to save, (a newly famous musician, though she didn't realize it at the time.) and despite the horrib...