Ethan's POV:We woke at 9am. This was good! Maybe we'd try and stay awake all day, so we could get back on track. Even if we went to bed at 9pm. It would be a good start to being back on track.
We were spooned on Jenna's couch. I could stay like this forever. But I knew we couldn't. And today, I felt motivated. That could easily go away, but so far today, I felt like maybe we could work on getting back to real life again. I hoped she felt the same. But if not, I'd take all the time she needed. And if I should lose motivation, I know she'd do the same for me.
I kissed her ear and her neck to gently wake her.
She woke and turned right over towards me, nuzzled in and went back to sleep.
This isn't what I was expecting. Hahaha. But if she need more sleep, then ok.
I layed my head on hers, and tried to relax. But, it was morning, and I felt....playful.
And her ear had tasted good, so I went back to that. I nibbled and licked and sucked on it.
She squoze me tighter, and slightly smiled.
I nibbled and kissed my way down her neck. She leaned her body in to me closer.
This was fun, being playful. We hadn't tried this yet. I think both of us didn't want to do anything like this "in there". It was sort of a mutual silent agreement. Well, we were out. And I wanted to flirt with and tease my beautiful girlfriend. So that's what I did. I was nervous, though. I wasn't sure how she'd react.
I kissed further down, on her collarbone. She groaned and said "'re killing me, Ethan".
"Oopsie. Did I lick you outloud just then?" I responded playfully.
She moved her face up to look at me and give me a "I will cut you" look.
I laughed at her trying to be tough. She smiled.
I went back to work on her neck. She let me.
Now, I was killing ME too. Shit! What did I get myself into?
She decided to go for revenge, so she found her way into my neck and found my ear, and kissed that.
Ohhhhhh boy.....magic spot. Not to mention the electric current that was now zinging around my entire body like never before. I sighed. She moved down to my neck. Revenge is sweet, I had to say.
I realized we were both grinding against eachother now.
This was the best I felt in a long time. Even long before "that" all happened last week.
I wanted so badly to tease her more. But I was sure I wouldn't be able to stop if I did. And the body grinding....yeah. I had to break it up. I respected her, and I didn't want to move too fast. I did....but I didn't. I'd wait for her signal to go any further. Not that she wasn't giving me signals now....I just wanted to make sure to wait till she was ready, after all that happened to her...including ME "happening" to her. I was mostly scared about that. Would being intimate with me give her bad flashbacks? Everytime I thought of this, I had to quickly bury it and move my thoughts on. It was too painful to think about.
So I gave her a few final kisses back up the neck and onto her ear lobe, then I excused myself to go to the bathroom. "Are you kidding!?" she yelled at me. "Sort of", I responded to her, and walked into her bathroom and looked in the mirror and breathed it all off. Gained control again. Whew. Intense!
When I came out, Jenna was up and in the kitchen, moving pots and pans around. Making a mess with pancake mix. "I figure since your mom bought pancake mix, it means you like pancakes, right?" she asked me.

Out of Desperation Came Forever After
قصص عامةBy being a good samaritin one night in a dark alley, Jenna realized that no good deed goes unpunished. But by being kidnapped with the man she tried to save, (a newly famous musician, though she didn't realize it at the time.) and despite the horrib...