What an exhausting day. I think it was actually more exhausting TALKING about what happened, than it actually was to LIVE it. I really think so.
And damn this IV. It aches! I didn't FEEL dehydrated. I'm sure I could have just drank some water, couldn't I? I guess there's special electrolytes in this solution. Hospital Gatorade, if you will.
I miss Ethan. I miss him so much. Is he forgetting about me? Since we're not in that intense circumstance anymore....will he still like me? I hope so. But if he doesn't, I wouldn't be mad. I mean, I'm just a fan. I'm nobody. It was fun to talk about escaping and living together in real life, but I'm sure he has much better, busier things to do.
Not that it wouldn't KILL me, though, to be done with him. I truly do love him.
And I didn't even have to wonder if I loved him because of who he was. That was the good part.
I guess he was smart in not telling me he was Ethan fucking Shean from the start. I can't be mad at him for that anymore. He was right. I'd always have to wonder if I loved him for HIM, or for who he was.
But now I don't. I was totally in love with him before I knew. Him being Ethan Shean actually complicated things, rather than make it better, honestly. There was a part of me that was sort of disappointed that he was a celebrity. Because he'd never be just....mine. I'd always have to share him with the world.
And relationships with celebrities never work out. Even when BOTH parties are celebs, so me NOT being would never work.
I have to stop thinnking. I have to stop trying to save myself, and talk myself out of him. Last I heard, he loved me. And I love him. Hopefully he hasn't changed his mind ALREADY, right?
The way he held me today in that wheelchair? The way he sobbed so hard that his entire body was hitting me? The way he looks at me directly in the eyes.....there's no way he doesn't love me.
Unless he's as good at acting as he is at music. Heh.
I just know that this has been a LONG ASS FIFTEEN MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!I had like 2 hours to tell my entire story to the police and the doctor. I had a visit from Brooke. I'd been blood tested, examined, questioned, fed, had a shower, and even a few short naps in between. And I STILL haven't seen Ethan.
The paparazzi probably got to see Ethan earlier, and I didn't.
Dammit, I want him to be holding me right now. I want to feel the tingles. His warmth. I want to be safe in his arms. I want to nuzzle my face into his neck and smell his skin. I want to run my fingers through his moppy red hair. I want to feel his soft red facial hair on my cheeks. I want his lips on mine. God, I miss him!!!
Hopefully tomorrow they'll let us be together. Maybe we can leave tomorrow, actually. We're fine, right? They're just checking us over, making sure. I'm fine. Right? Ethan's fine, right?
I don't know what all that blood was on his mouth earlier...or what really happened in the room with Marcus, or how Vince caught him....IS he ok?
Is he still in the next room? What if he's not? What if he's hurt?
Stop it Jenna. Just stop. He's fine.More tears welled up in my eyes. My face was still sloppy soaked from crying all day. Crying while I told the entire story. Crying while I told Brooke as much as I wanted to tell her, which wasn't much...mostly about Ethan. Crying from relief and exhaustion when I drifted off into naps....
Crying with Ethan earlier....
It seemed like I'd never stop crying!In the quiet darkness, I heard something roll into my room. It was sort of creepy and slow...I rolled over to look quick. I guess I'm still jumpy from "people" coming into my room, and never knowing what to expect.
In the darkness, I could make out moppy, messy hair, with a slight red glow from the light in the doorway.
It was Ethan! He was rolling his IV pole to come see me!I got out of bed, and he closed the door and rushed over to me, almost knocking me back into the bed, he came at me so fast. But his embrace was so strong, I didn't even move. He didn't forget about me. He still loved me.
And then came the tingles.
Oh Ethan.....

Out of Desperation Came Forever After
General FictionBy being a good samaritin one night in a dark alley, Jenna realized that no good deed goes unpunished. But by being kidnapped with the man she tried to save, (a newly famous musician, though she didn't realize it at the time.) and despite the horrib...