Introduction/Chapter 1

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I'm Makayla, a 17 year old junior at Westside High. If you know anything about Westside, or me, you know about Sam Wilkinson, a senior, who happens to be incredible hot and my best friend since I was 6. We're you're unlikely duo but we're inseparable. 

Chapter 1

I sit outside on the same front porch, on the same porch swing, looking out at the same neighborhood I've lived in since I was 5. I moved to Omaha, Nebraska when I was 5 years old. When I first moved here, I hated it. I hated the little neighborhood I lived in. I was one of the youngest kids and a lot of the kids that lived here were boys. Not that that really mattered, I just had a hard time making new friends anyway. Everything changed when I met Sam. I hadn't been living there long, when one day I was out riding my bike, along with some of the other kids. Me being me, wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I crashed. That's where the friendship really started, when Sam came over to help me up. Turned out, Sam lived in the house right across from me and ever since we've become really close. After we got to high school I was sure that Sammy wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore, I was the "good girl". I was the one that got straight A's and would rather spend my weekend's studying or reading a good book than partying. Sam, was, well kind of the complete opposite. He pretty much became the Mr. Popular of the school, wasn't a straight A student but wasn't failing, one of the best basketball players on the Westside High basketball team, tries his best to convince me to come to parties with him on Friday nights, started playing around with making music, and did all of this along with his best friends Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson and Nate Maloley. Somehow, I got off to a bad start with Gilinsky and Nate, so I never really cared for them, and I've never managed, nor bothered, to fix my relationship with them. Johnson on the other hand is different. We started off on the right path and he is still one of my good friends to this day. I still hang out with all of them, they are Sammy's best friends after all, and I'd do anything for Sammy. You probably wonder how I'm not one of the "popular's" when I'm inseparable from Sam. I never wanted that type of life style, but I guess you could say it happened. I don't have a specific group of friends, I'm friends with everyone, and everyone knows me as Sammy's best friend, so maybe you could say I'm one of them, but I don't consider myself that way. I'm a junior at Westside High and that's it.


It's currently 2:00, I have no idea how long I've been out here on this porch, but I've been waiting for Sam to come home. He went out of town for the weekend and told me he would probably be back by 12 today, which is Sunday, but here it is, sometime after 2, and he's not here. My mom keeps trying to get me to come inside, do something else besides sit here and wait, but I refuse to move until I hang out with my best friend again. We really are that inseparable, we hang out every single day. After a day of not much traffic, I finally hear a car turn the corner and look up to see the car of my best friend pulling into his driveway. I jumped up out of seat, running as fast as I could, getting down to Sammy's car before he could even get out.

(Sammy) "Miss me much?"

(Me) "2 days is 2 days too long"

(Sammy) "Yeah, yeah whatever. You're packed right?"

(Me) "Yes I am."

This week is spring break, and while Sammy was off with his friends on this weekend trip of his, I randomly get this text from him that told me to start packing for the best spring break vacation of my life. Whatever that meant I still have no clue because Sammy refused to answer any questions, other than the ones about what to pack, all I know is its some huge last minute surprise.

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