Chapter 7

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When I woke up Tuesday morning, Sammy's arm was still wrapped around me. I guess we ended up falling asleep watching movies before our parents even got home. Rolling over, I saw it was 8:30 and I panicked.


How in the world my yelling didn't wake him up I don't know but I got nothing out of him. I resulted to hitting him with a pillow.

(Me) "Get up! We're late!"

Sammy finally moved, only to roll over. At this point I was very frustrated.

(Me) "Sammy! Come on, would you just get up? We're late!"

(Sammy) "No we're not, we're going to six flags remember."

(Me) "Oh right."

(Sammy) "Can I go back to sleep now?"

(Me) "No! My parents already left for work, let's go make breakfast."

It took a lot of convincing but Sammy finally said he would be down in a little bit. I went on downstairs and pulled out all the ingredients to make pancakes, bacon, and eggs. While I waited on Sammy to come down I started making the bacon. I was preparing the pancake batter when I felt arms wrap around my waist, I didn't even hear Sammy come downstairs.

(Sammy) "Smells great in here"

(Me) "I know I'm a great cook"

(Sammy) "Want some help?"

(Me) "That would be great"

I started making the pancakes while Sammy finished up the bacon and started on the eggs. I grabbed two plates and two glasses out of the cabinet, filling each glass with orange juice while Sammy plated our food and carried our plates to the table. We ate our breakfast in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. Once we finished, we cleaned up the kitchen a little bit, I decided I would do the dishes later when I got home, then I went to go take a quick shower. I finished and I let Sammy use my bathroom to shower and get ready while I finished getting ready in my parent's bathroom. I had just finished drying my hair and went plug in my curling iron, only to realize I forgotten it in my bathroom, so I went back into my bathroom to get it. Not even thinking about the fact that Sammy was also in my house, I walked into my bathroom to find Sammy standing there with no shirt. It's not like it wasn't anything I hadn't ever seen before, but for some reason it made my heart beat faster than normal. Maybe it was the little bit of water still dripping down his chest or maybe I was just crazy but boy did he look good. It didn't take long for Sammy to give me a confused look and that's when I realized I had been staring for just a little too long.

(Sammy) "What up?"

(Me) "I just need my curling iron."

Sammy moved over so I could get it and I quickly went back to my parent's bathroom. Well, that wasn't embarrassing at all. I'm sure he's caught me staring plenty of times and I'm sure he's starting to get suspicious. After my curling iron heated up, I fixed my hair and about 30 minutes later, I was just about ready. I just need to put on my outfit. I gathered my things and headed back to my room to find Sammy sitting on my bed.

(Sammy) "Are you gonna be ready anytime soon?"

(Me) "I just need to put on my outfit.

I decided I would need something comfortable for being out and about all day long so I went with high waisted shorts, a simple navy/white tee and my white high-top converse. It was 11 when I was finally ready and we headed out for our hour drive to six flags.

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