Chapter 8

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*The Next Day*

I woke up to an unfamiliar sound in my room, only to realize it was an alarm and it was Wednesday. The only thing is, I never set alarms, Sammy always called me to wake me up, and therefore I was confused, but that's when I remembered I was no longer friends with Sam. Boy the rest of this week was going to be fun. Rolling over to see Johnson fast asleep beside me, I smiled knowing he stayed with me all night. I finally got up to turn off the alarm and decided I needed to wake J up.

(Me) "Wake up J, we gotta get ready for school dude."

It took J a solid 10 minutes to finally get out of bed, and I told him he could shower and get ready in my bathroom, and gave him some of Sammy's clothes that he left over here, knowing Sam wouldn't care, they share clothes anyway. I went downstairs to our guest bathroom to get ready myself, not really feeling myself today I threw on a lazy day outfit.

I threw my hair in a ponytail and decided to not even bother with makeup today, I just didn't feel like it

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I threw my hair in a ponytail and decided to not even bother with makeup today, I just didn't feel like it. I came out of the bathroom just as Johnson was coming downstairs and my mom was calling out that breakfast was ready. Johnson and I both grabbed a plate, Johnson loaded up on breakfast, I on the other hand, grabbed a few pieces of bacon and some eggs.

(Mom) "Is that all you want for breakfast Makayla?"

(Me) "Yeah I'm not really hungry."

Me and J sat down at the table, I could see the look of worry over my mom's face.

(Johnson) "Kay and Sam got in a fight"

(Mom) "Oh"

(Me) "Yeah. Let's not talk about it"

We finished eating in silence, we put our things in the sink after we finished then put on our shoes and headed off to school. Sammy's car was still in his driveway, like I suspected, I knew he wasn't kidding. The drive to school was silent, but at least Johnson wasn't asking questions, or at least I thought. Just as we pulled into the parking lot, Johnson popped up with the question I've been waiting for him to ask.

(Johnson) "You sure you're gonna be ok today?"

(Me) "I'll be fine. Sam said he wasn't even coming today. Something about 'being too tired to think' which I find ridiculous but whatever that's Sammy for you."

And without another word I got out of the car, signaling I wanted to end the conversation. We walked into the building in silence and luckily still had 30 minutes before class started so me and J met up with G, Nate, and a few of their friends.

(Gilinsky) "I feel like we're missing someone."

(Me) "Sam isn't here"

(Nate) "Why?"

(Me) "He's ditching. Said he's 'too tired to think' from yesterday at six flags." Me being me, I rolled my eyes.

(Gilinsky) "Why do you look mad?"

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