Chapter 9

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*3 weeks later*

It's been 3 weeks since my fight with Sammy. It's been hard, I really miss my best friend. It's been hard going to school, seeing him everyday but not talking to him, sitting next to him in math class and feeling the negative energy coming off of him but not saying anything, but somehow I've managed. My friends have stuck by me though, both of the Jacks do whatever they can to make sure I stay away from Sammy and so do my girls. I can honestly say my relationship with Nate never went anywhere, Sammy and Nate are in this music thing together now apparently and so now apparently I talked smack about both of them. Whatever Sam I can play that game too. At this point I feel like the whole school hate's me. Word got around and now the whole school knows about my fight with Sammy. That's the one thing I hate about high school, you life is never private, you get in a fight with someone, it's gonna get out there. Today, out of all days, felt particularly strange. Everyone has been staring at me, or turning and whispering to their friends as I walk by. I've checked my outfit multiple times and I look fine, there's nothing left in my teeth from my breakfast this morning, so I didn't know what was happening, and I thought it was all just a thing, that was until I was sitting at my usual lunch table, waiting on Mads and Jenna, when McKenzie walked up to me, with her little girl gang.

(McKenzie) "We know what you did."

(Me) "Excuse me?"

(McKenzie) "We all know what you said about Sammy. The whole school does."

(Me) "And what exactly was that?"

(McKenzie) "That his whole career choice is stupid and that you're not supportive of his career."

(Me) "So you're behind this huh? The stares. The whispers. It was you."

(McKenzie) "I'd just watch your back if I were you Makayla. Now everyone how terrible of a friend you are."

She laughed her evil little laughed, turned and walked away, her evil little friends following along behind her. Not only was my life miserable enough because I didn't have my best friend but now the whole entire school knows how awful of a human I am. I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't sit here and be the person everyone was staring at so I got up, and went to the very far end of the school that no one is ever at, especially during lunch, sat on one of the benches and just cried. I couldn't help it, I've wanted to cry all day, it was times like these where I just wanted Sammy by my side, but I couldn't have that, so here I was alone. I knew it hadn't even been 5 minutes when I heard footsteps running down the hall, I knew it was most likely Madison or Jenna, but then I hear my name, and I heard the voice I never needed to hear more in my life. I looked up to find Sammy coming down the hall towards me. When he got to me, he actually sat down next to me.

(Sammy) "Kay. What's wrong?"

(Me) "Why do you even care?"

(Sammy) "Because I know what happened. I know what McKenzie did. Alexa found out through a friend that has our lunch and texted me. Jen saw you run off and told me."

(Me) "How did you know where I was?"

(Sammy) "I know you, best friends right?"

That's when I looked away from Sammy. It almost hurt to hear him say that.

(Me) "I didn't think we were anymore though."

(Sammy) "Listen Makayla, I honestly overreacted. Yes, what you said hurt me, but I shouldn't have acted the way I did. We should have talked and figured it out. I should have listened to you more than I did. I miss you I really do. I miss you over at my house all the time, I miss your craziness."

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