Chapter 10

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*The Next Morning (Saturday)*

When I woke up, I woke up on the floor, which I know I did not fall asleep on last night. I looked up to find Nate and Johnson spread out across the couch and the only logical solution was they put me here sometime in the middle of the night, thanks guys. I turned over to find the girls and Jack G still sleeping on the floor. Everyone was asleep, except me, and Sammy, who was no where to be found. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and saw it was only 8 a.m. At that moment, I heard something fall in the kitchen. Either someone broke in or Sammy was being stupid, and hoping it was just Sammy, I got up to go check, grabbing an empty vase in the process, just incase someone had broke in. Getting to the kitchen, I did in fact find Sammy, and from what it looked like he was trying to make something to eat.

(Me) "Hey"

(Sammy) "Makayla! Don't do that, you scared me"

(Me) "Maybe I tried."

(Sammy) "Whatever"

(Me) "What in the world are you doing? It's a mess in here."

(Sammy) "Cooking breakfast"

(Me) "Do I get any?"

(Sammy) "Only if you get in here and help me"

(Me) "So rude"

I sat the vase down I was holding and went to help Sammy make food, for everyone.

(Sammy) "What was the vase for?"

(Me) "I thought someone broke in. I was gonna use it."

(Sammy) "Yeah, because a vase would protect you."

(Me) "Yeah. It would."

(Sammy) "Ok Makayla."

(Me) "What? You think you could do better than a vase?"

(Sammy) "Of course."

(Me) "Yeah, ok."

We stood there, cooking in silence, until I heard my phone ding with a text message. I ran in to get in, praying it didn't wake up anyone and make anyone grumpy, thankfully it didn't, and it was just my mom checking in with me, seeing how last night went. I texted her back and went back to help Sammy finish breakfast.

(Sammy) "Who was that?"

(Me) "My mom. She was just checking in, seeing how last night went. Ya know mom things."

The breakfast was finally ready and I went to wake up everybody.

(Me) "Wake up sleepyheads! Breakfast is ready!"

As if they weren't even asleep, I was being pushed out of the way, everyone scrambling to get some food.

(Me) "Hey, save some for me!"

I really regretting saying that, because at that moment I felt something hit me. I looked down to find a small piece of pancake laying in front of me.

(Me) "Really?"

(Jack G) "Yeah. That's your food."

(Me) "Hey. You better just be lucky I cooked for you.

(Sammy) "Excuse you, I helped"

(Me) "Yes Sam we know."

I made my way over and grabbed a plate, getting what was left after the rest of the hungry crowd grabbed almost all of the food and sat at the table with the rest of them.

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