Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I was sleeping peacefully until I could hear screaming and laughing in the hall. I knew it was the boys, I could hear their voices, luckily it was already 10, and I should have been up a long time ago. Rolling over, I was surprised to find Sammy still asleep, I guess I was gonna have to wake him up myself.

(Me) "Hey. Wake up"

(Sammy) "What? Why are you waking me up? What time is it?"

(Me) "It's 10, and we slept in yesterday too. Get up your idiots of friends are here."

(Sammy) "They're not idiots"

(Me) "Whatever Sam, just go open the door."

Sammy finally got up and let the boys in. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the sight in front of me, teenage boys, 2 of which I couldn't stand to begin with, and I get to spend the rest of the week with them. I'm in for a great week. Reluctantly, I got up, knowing Sammy would want me to be at least somewhat nice to them, but before I had the chance to say anything, Gilinsky spoke up.

(Jack G) "Makayla! Looking beautiful as always."

I don't know if G had a thing for me or what, but he always found someway to be flirty with me, I hated it.

(Me) "Find someone who's actually interested G"

(Jack G) "Just as feisty as always"

(Me) "Shut up"

I moved over to hug Johnson before that conversation went any further and got any weirder.

(Jack J) "Hey Makayla! It's been too long!"

(Me) "Hey J! I've missed you!"

(Jack J) "Missed you too. You tell Sammy yet?"

J is the only other one that knows I like Sammy. It was an accidental text that let it out and I was never able to go back but J was there for me and promised never to say anything to anyone.

(Me) "No of course not. I'm just too scared to talk to him. I'm afraid to ruin everything."

(Jack J) "I know its hard Kay, but you'll figure it out."

(Me) "Thanks J"

We all spread out throughout the room, Sammy and I were on the bed, the rest spread out on the floor, just scrolling through social media with a random movie on the TV. It was relaxing at first, that was until G suggested we play truth or dare. That was never a game I was into, so I objected but it was 4 against 1 so we ended up playing. It started out fine, funny truths and harmless dares, until the boys found out some girls that they knew from school were here as well and invited them over. Now here I am, staring at some girls I had never met, never seen before and playing truth or dare that I didn't want to play in the first place. I was having a great time, note the sarcasm. To be completely honest, it wasn't that bad at first, but the longer it went on, the crazier it got, and people started getting dared to kiss each other and next thing I know, the prettiest girl of the bunch, Brittney, gets dared by G to kiss Sammy for 2 minutes straight. She didn't hesitate either, she got straight to it and I wasn't about to sit there and watch that, so I just got up and walked away. I tried so hard to not let the tears fall before I got out the door but as I turned around to grab my phone, a tear slipped out. I was surprised that J wasn't coming after me, or asking where I was going, but it was actually G that asked where I was going and why I was crying. I didn't answer, I just walked out. I tried not to cry but I did. The longer I sat on that floor the harder I cried. And the harder I cried the more I was likely to lose my breath due to my medical conditions and just as I was trying to calm myself down I heard the door opened and prayed just it wasn't Sammy. Thankful I heard Johnson's voice.

(Jack J) "You ok?"

(Me) "No, not really"

(Jack J) "I know. It's gonna be ok"

(Me) "I just don't want to see that."

(Jack J) "I know Kayla. I know. I just came to tell you, you might want to stay out here for a while."

I looked up to J, with that look that said "does that mean what I think it means?" and he just gave me a sympathetic look. I knew it meant what I thought it meant. 2 minutes was up 5 minutes ago.

(Me) "Don't leave. Please."

He sat down beside me and pulled me into his arms, where I cried. I tried so hard not to cry. I shouldn't be crying over this, it wasn't like I was dating Sammy or anything, it just hurt. It wasn't long before Sammy finally surfaced and came out the door. Not that I needed him right now.

*Sammy's P.O.V*

We were playing truth or dare when Brittney got dared to pretty much make out with me. I was hesitant at first, but she wasn't, and I ended up getting so into it, apparently I didn't stop even after time was up. I guess it was just another distraction from Makayla. I ended up giving up on her after, 5 minutes I was told, and I looked around, Makayla was no where to be found.

(Sammy) "Dude where's Makayla? And J?"

Nate pointed out to the hall "Out there. She got up and walked out without saying anything and J went out after her."

(Sammy) "Is she ok?"

(Jack G) "I saw one single tear roll down her face right before she walked out. She didn't say anything though"

I got up and went out in the hall, I had to figure out what was wrong with Makayla. I found her sitting with J, I could tell she had been crying. I sat on the other side of her, she wouldn't even look at me, like she was mad at me, but still, I tried to comfort her.

(Me) "You ok?"

(Makayla) "Just fine"

(Me) "You can't be just fine if you're crying, or have been crying"

(Makayla) "I'm fine Sammy, so why don't you go back to your girl in there. It's not like you cared the first 5 minutes I've been out here."

(Me) "Is that what's bothering you?"

(Makayla) "I don't see why that would bother me. It's just you kissing some chick. I'm not your girlfriend I don't have a say so in your life."

(Me) "Is there something you wanna say?"

(Makayla) "No Sammy I don't. Just leave me alone"

*Makayla's P.O.V*

Thankfully Sammy got up and went back in the room, leaving me alone with Johnson.

(Johnson) "Why didn't you take the chance?"

(Me) "Because I can't"

(Johnson) "Why?"

(Me) "I'm scared"

(Johnson) "Of what?

(Me) "Rejection. It's happened before, it scares me to talk to people now"

(Johnson) "You're gonna have to say something sooner or later or you're never gonna get him."

(Me) "I choose later"

Johnson sighed and looked down at me

(Johnson) "You'll never get anywhere with that attitude"

(Me) "I'm just scared of him not feeling the same way"

(Johnson) "Well you'll never know until you talk to him"

(Me) "I might do it by the end of the week. Give me time to think of what I'm going to say"

(Johnson) "Well let me know if you need help, I'm here"

We stood up and hugged and Jack told me to wait untilhe sees if everything's ok. He opened the door and gave me a thumbs up and Ifollowed him in, everyone was on their phones and that girl was now kissingJack G. Now maybe he'll leave me alone!

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