Chapter 2

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It's 8:30 on a Monday morning and I don't know why I'm awake. Sammy said our flight to this mysterious place wasn't until 12, we don't live that far from the airport, but here I am, wide awake and can't sleep. Not that I slept well last night, and it's not even because I'm just that excited to go on this mysterious trip with my best friend. After I got back from shopping with Emily and Annie, I noticed Sammy was very quiet at dinner and for the rest of the night. That's not like the Sammy I know. He's a very outgoing guy, not usually very quiet unless something is really wrong, and it got me worried about him. I need to stop worrying over him so much, but I can't help it, I love the guy, he's my best friend, it's natural. Since I couldn't sleep, and Sammy was still sleeping, I might as well do something, so I rolled over to grab my phone and checked Instagram. I instantly regretted that decision. There was the picture that I knew was inevitable, the picture I had just been secretly waiting for because in the back of my mind I just knew it was going to happen at some point, the picture that showed McKenzie cheating, on my best friend. Not even wanting to see what else could potentially be on social media, I set my phone of the bedside table, and seeing that Sammy still asleep beside me, I decided that I might as well shower. Carefully got out of bed so I wouldn't wake up Sammy, I went down the hall to get towels out of the closet then went back to Sammy's bathroom to shower. When I got out, I could hear the TV on in Sammy's room, which I couldn't hear with the shower running, meaning Sammy was awake. I dried off and put on the shorts and Sammy's shirt I had bought to change into and walked out to see Sammy looking at his phone. As I walked closer to him, every part of me wished I hadn't. My heart broke into a million pieces when I could see every bit of sadness in his eyes and the single tear roll down his face. Already knowing what he was seeing, I did what I thought I should do, and pulled his phone from his hand, locking it and setting it on his desk on the other side of the room.

(Sammy) "What was that for?"

(Me) "I told you she wasn't worth it."

(Sammy) "You saw it?"

(Me) "Yeah."

(Sammy) "What are you doing up?"

(Me) "I don't know. I couldn't sleep all night, woke up at 8:30 and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to go ahead and shower"

(Sammy) "Oh"

I sat down next to Sammy on the bed and there were a few minutes of just silence. I could tell that Sammy was upset and I know that it hurt but he knew just as much as I did that it was bound to happen. I don't know why I wasn't being more comforting about the situation.

(Me) "Come on Sammy, don't be like this."

(Sammy) "Be like what? Sad? Like I maybe should be?"

(Me) "I don't mean it like that. Let's just get ready for a fun week."

(Sammy) "I would expect you to be a little more, I don't know, there for me."

(Me) "I'm right here!"

(Sammy) "You just want to leave!"

(Me) "What's your problem?" 

(Sammy) "You! You're always like this! You get so mad at me when I'm not there for you when you go through some hard time and any time I just want you to be there for me you try to turn it around and change the subject! I'm tired of it."

(Me) "Sammy. I, I didn't know- "

(Sammy) "Just leave Makayla."

I stood there for a second, contemplating what to do. My hair was still wet from the shower, and I didn't know if I should give Sam his space or try to fix it, but by the look Sammy was giving me, I figured I better just give him space. Not bothering to grab my stuff, because at this point I was just a little mad and I figured I would be back later, I grabbed my phone and purse and left. When I opened my front door, my dad was on the couch in the living room, and my mom came out of the kitchen.

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