Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Waking up to a 7:00 alarm on a Saturday was not my ideal way to start a Saturday and I woke up pretty grumpy too, I was sunburnt and we had to leave. Sammy and I both laid there for a good 15 minutes, just staring at each other, not wanting to get up, luckily we didn't need to leave until 8. Finally, Sammy decided to get up and shower, while I finished packing what I couldn't last night. I put some music on my phone, being sure not to turn it up too loud, and started singing and dancing while finishing packing. I was having so much fun, I didn't even know Sammy was out of the shower until I turned around to see him leaning against the door frame of the bathroom, watching me, smiling. I instantly stopped.

(Sammy) "No, please, keep going. I was enjoying the show."

(Me) "How long have you been there?"

(Sammy) "I dunno? 10 minutes?"

Embarrassed, I turned around and turned off the music.

(Sammy) "What? You're gonna stop just because I was watching you?"

(Me) "No. I'm done."

But my brain said "yes. That was embarrassing". I grabbed my clothes and makeup and went in the bathroom to get ready. While putting on my makeup, my phone dinged, signaling I had a text.

(Johnson) You looked like you were having fun

(Me) What do you mean?

(Johnson) Sammy put your little dance party on snapchat

(Me) I'm gonna kill him

(Johnson) Have fun with that. See you at home

I finished getting ready and walked out of the bathroom to find Sammy laying on the bed distracted by his phone. I took the opportunity to jump on him and scare him.

(Sammy) "Woah, hey, what up?"

(Me) "This is for putting me on snapchat" and I punched his arm

(Sammy) "It was funny. No need to hurt me"

I got up and grabbed my stuff and we headed out, sadly going back home. We met up with Nate downstairs, the Jacks had an earlier flight and headed to the airport for a 2 hour flight home.


2 hours later, we land in Omaha, grabbing some Starbucks before heading home. Sammy let me off at my house and I saw my mom's car wasn't in the driveway. It took me a minute, but I remembered that my parents decided to take a little vacation themselves, since I was away with Sam, and they were off for the week as well. I turned around to find that luckily Sammy hadn't went inside yet so I yelled over to him, asking if I could stay over at his place.

(Me) "Hey! I forgot my parents are away, can I stay for the weekend?"

(Sammy) "Yeah, I'm sure my mom will be fine with it"

So it went on in my house, dragging my stuff along behind me and up to my room, where I found a note on my desk.


As you know Dad and I are out of town, so you are welcome to stay over at Sam's until we get back. Have fun and be safe, I know how you and Sam are together.

We love you.



As if I hadn't spent enough time with Sammy, I get to spend the weekend with him. I unpacked my bags, sorting my clothes and taking the ones that needed to be washed down to the laundry room, then repacking a duffel bag with necessities for the weekend, knowing I had some clothes over at Sam's, and my outfit for school on Monday, along with the makeup I had packed from vacation, some shoes for school and my curling iron. Looking around to make sure I had everything, I grabbed my bag and my purse, and headed over to Sam's, who was waiting for me in his living room.

(Sammy) "My mom said its fine"

(Me) "I know. My mom talked to your mom before they left."

We went upstairs to Sammy's room to I put down my stuff and change into some shorts and some random shirt I always leave over here. I pulled my hair in a messy bun and walked back downstairs, only to not find Sam anywhere. When I went in the kitchen to grab a drink, I saw Sammy out back with both of the Jacks and Nate, so walked out to join them.

(Me) "Weren't we just with them?"

(Sammy) "Yeah, so?"

(Me) "Nothing. I just find it funny"

I sat down in one of the chairs outside by the pool, just watching the boys play basketball, scrolling through social media, relaxing, having a good time.

(Sammy) "Come on Kayla, come play with us."

(Me) "You know I can't play basketball"

(Sammy) "Who cares? At least come try"

Not that I really wanted to, I got up and went over to play with them. Sammy handed me the ball and although I was having fun, I still felt like they all had an advantage over me. I was the shortest and went I went to make a shot, I missed.

(Me) "This isn't fair, I'm too short"

No one said anything but I know they felt bad, but we continued to play. Sammy passed me the ball and told me to shoot it.

(Me) "I'm gonna miss it!"

Then, G came over to me and told me to jump on his back, so I did, and when I threw it ball it went in!

(Nate) "Hey! That's cheating!

(Me) "How?"

G put me down, J was yelling that I was cheating started chasing me around and ended up pushing me in the pool, fully clothed.

(Me) "HEY!"

(Johnson) "Not sorry"

Before he could walk away, I reached up and grabbed his ankle, pulling him in the water.

(Me) "Now we're even"

I got out of the pool, Sammy handed me a towel, and I went up to his room to change into some dry clothes, which was my pants and one of Sammy's shirts. When I came back downstairs, I found everyone else in the kitchen.

(Sammy) "Nice shirt. Where'd you get it?"

(Me) "Your closet"

Not really knowing what else to do, we all hung outuntil dinner time. The Jacks went home after dinner, but Nate decided he wasstaying all night, so the 3 of us had a movie night in Sammy's room. I ended uppassing out around 11, but it was a great way to end off our spring breakvacation. I was not ready for Monday to come.

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