Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


It's Friday, our last day in California and I'm really sad I have to leave, this place is so beautiful, but I'm ready to get back home. I told J that I might talk to Sammy by the end of the week, but I don't think I can do it. We've been so busy, we went down to L.A yesterday and I just haven't had time to think about how I would say anything, so I'm just gonna wait until we get back home but today, before we have to come back and pack, we're going to chill on the beach all day. I put on this bikini:

I decided I wanted to be at least a little cute for the beach, so I lightly curled my hair

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I decided I wanted to be at least a little cute for the beach, so I lightly curled my hair.

Then I put on some waterproof mascara and a little tinted chapstick and walked out of the bathroom, only to find the room empty, I thought I told Sammy to wait on me! I put on my flip flops and grabbed my bag, phone and sunglasses and walked out t...

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Then I put on some waterproof mascara and a little tinted chapstick and walked out of the bathroom, only to find the room empty, I thought I told Sammy to wait on me! I put on my flip flops and grabbed my bag, phone and sunglasses and walked out the door, where all the guys were.

(Jack G) "Dang girl, you look hot!"

(Me) "Shut up"

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Sammy, who threw an arm around my shoulders as we walked to the elevators.

(Sammy) "You do look pretty good"

(Me) "And you don't look so bad yourself Wilkinson"

Once we got outside we walked across the bridge to the beach and I set up my chair, put sunscreen on and laid out on my chair, planning on just tanning today and leaving the boys to run off wherever they went. My tanning was going just fine, until my sun was blocked. Opening my eyes, I found Sammy standing over me, of course.

(Me) "Sammy, could you please move? You're blocking my sun."

(Sammy) "Come on Kayla!! Come in the water with us!"

(Me) "I'll be there in a little. I wanna tan"

Sammy apparently didn't like my answer because he picked me up out of my chair and carried me to the ocean and sat me on my feet, the water up to my knees. I didn't even fight it, because I knew I wouldn't win, so I stayed and played around in the water for a while until I decided I really wanted to go tan and the guys were gonna throw a football, I just prayed they didn't hit me. Not even 10 minute later, something hard hit me right in the head. Leaning up, I pushed up my sunglasses with one hand, the other over the spot that had gotten hit. I looked down to see a football laying next to me, and I saw all 4 of them looking my way, a couple trying to hold in laughs, the other 2 looking like they were just praying I wasn't going to yell at them.


He walked over to me, and while handing him back the football, I gave him the most angry look.

(Me) "Are you serious Sammy? I told you to play over there were you wouldn't hit me."

(Sammy) "I'm sorry Kay, it was an accident and don't get mad at me, it wasn't even me!"

(Me) "Then who was it?"

(Sammy) "G"

Getting up from my spot and walking over to the others, Sammy following behind me, G instantly looked away when I stopped in front of the group. I wanted to be mad, because I specifically told them to make sure to play away from me so they wouldn't hit me, I know how crazy and competitive they get, but I knew that it was an accident and Jack didn't mean to, but I had to give him a hard time still.

(Me) "You hit me"

(Jack G) "I know and I'm sorry. It was an accident, I swear. I was trying to throw to Sam, but I threw way too hard, and we couldn't stop it in time and when I seen it hit you, I knew you were going to yell at me, but I deserve it, you told us to play away from you. So go ahead, yell, get mad, hit me, do whatever."

Well this was new. Gilinsky wasn't ever like this. Normally he was laughing at me, telling me to stop being a baby and get over it. Was this the soft side of G coming out?

(Me) "Why are you apologizing to me? I thought you would be laughing at me, telling me to stop being a baby and to get over it. I don't understand"

When Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me off to the side, it surprised me, and scared me a little. This was all very new to me. Jack was never this nice to me, he never made an effort to be friends with me, be nice. He would laugh at me and sometimes made rude and hurtful remarks, in a way that wasn't meant to be rude but still Sammy got on to him for it, so I was confused by what he was doing.

(Me) "What are you doing?"

(Gilinsky) "I wanted to apologize. I haven't been very nice to you, well ever, and I know you don't like me, at all, you pretty much hate me and I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For everything. I'm such a horrible person for everything I've ever done or said that's hurt your feelings. I never meant it in a mean way, I was just trying to make it a joke but I know now that you didn't see it that way and I don't know why I ever did that in the first place. You don't deserve to be treated that way. I was hoping maybe we could start over and really be friends?"

I was so shocked I was at a loss for words. I didn't know how to response. Never in my life did I expect something like that to come out of Jack.

(Gilinsky) "I understand if you don't want to, it's fine"

(Me) "No, that's not it at all. I'm speechless, I've wanted to for years. I've always imagined the perfect life where I got along with all of you. I would love to start over Jack"

(Gilinsky) "Well then let's do it. Hi, I'm Jack, Jack Gilinsky"

(Me) "I'm Makayla.

We laughed at how stupid we sounded and as Jack turned to walk away, I took the opportunity and jumped on his back. He didn't say anything though, he kept going. When we got back to the guys, we got some interesting looks.

(Sammy) "Well what's going on here?"

(Me) "Jack and I talked- "

(Gilinsky) "And we decided to start over, and now we're gonna try being friends"

(Sammy) "Good. It's about time. Glad the plan worked."

(Me) "What plan?"

(Gilinsky) "The whole thing was planned."

(Me) "You planned to throw a football at my head?"

(Gilinsky) "Not exactly where I was aiming but at least the rest worked like it was supposed to."

(Sammy) "Now if we could just get Makayla and Nate to get along."

(Me) "I still wanna hurt him."

(Nate) "I didn't say anything!"

(Me) "Just being with you is enough"

And then it silent. I think it was all just awkward for everyone. But thankfully Johnson broke the silence not too long afterwards.

(Johnson) "Hey, how about we walk down here to the snack shop and get ice cream?"

We all agreed and it was at that point I realized thatI was still on Jack's back, but he didn't put me down, he carried me down tothe snack shop and sat me down once we got there. I can say that this was apretty good day. After that we all went back to the hotel, showered and hungout before we had to pack up for our flights in the morning. California, you've been the best springbreak trip ever. 

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