Cavalier (La monture)

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Fleur-de-Lys confronts Phoebus.

I see you here, the fairest sight
A cavalier, they hight you
Who tries his strength in his right
A nobleman, a knight true

Or are you just a heartless kite
An arrant thief of love's rite?
Whose hollow heart inside's
A fount of lust, a base of pride?

My heart is pure, my arms are warm
If you repent, I'll be sworn
We'll brave this night, this little storm
But you must swear you will be sworn
You have to swear you will be sworn
And that they'll hang the Zingara

Those maiden tenders I gave
That virgin splendor I saved 
I'll cast them off like a lie
Don't be so sure I can't show
I'm not so pure I can't know
A wallow in your sty

Your love's a toy, your words are air
You perjure, lie, and forswear
And should I trust again your fair
I swear it'll not be with the same care

I'll rein once more your fickle heart
If you would learn me your art
After this night, we'll see the morn
But you must swear you will be sworn
You have to swear you will be sworn
And that they'll hang the Zingara

I'll take you back if you'll be sworn
I'll take your love back if you are sworn
That they will hang Esmeralda!

That they will hang the Zingara...

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