More Vampire Trouble

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When i woke up the next morning, Stefan and Damon were still talking about the vampires from the tomb. Elena was there as well standing next to Stefan. 

"i say we go round Pearls, brake the door down and kill the vampire who attacked us last night" Damon said. 

"Yeah and then what? tell the others ops sorry" Stefan told Damon. 

"i agree with Stefan on this" i said.

"i can't believe you made a deal with her Damon" Elena said. 

"it was more like a helpful exchange of information. And its not like i had a choice. shes scary and she told me that she would help me find Katherine." Damon said. 

"Damon, Katherine has been around for the past 145 years, if she truly love you then you would of found her ages ago." i told him. 

"of course she is. As long as Damon gets what he wants like last time and it doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process." Elena said. 

"you don't have to so annoyed about it Elena" Damon told her. 

"well i woke up this morning the find out that all the tomb vampires have escaped and are causing problems in mystic falls" Elena told Damon. 

"How long are you going to blame me for turning your birth mother into a vampire?" Damon asked. 

"I'm not blaming you Damon, i just wish that you would move on" Elena told him. 

"That's not very productive, we still have to think of a way to deal with Pearl and the tomb vampires." Stefan said and i nodded in agreement. 

Damon walked out of the room leaving Stefan, Elena and I standing their. 

"well I'm going back to what i was doing before all this happened" i said and left the room. 

It was a few hours later when Damon knocked on my bedroom door. i walked over and answered it. 

"is everything ok Damon" i asked. 

"not really, Stefan went out to hunt about an hour ago and he has not come back, have you heard from hum? Damon said. 

"no, not since this morning. have you tried calling Elena, maybe Stefan went round hers" i told Damon. 

"i tried to ring Elena 10 times already but every time it goes through to voice mail, its like shes trying to avoid me"  Damon told me. 

"i wonder. Well why don't we go round Elena's and see whats going on" i said. 

When we got to Elena's we knocked on the door. Elena came down the satires and opens the door. We both enter. 

"you've been ignoring me" Damon tells Elena. 

"the six missed calls, sorry my phone was dead" Elena said. 

"is Stefan here." Damon asks. 

"no why, has something happened to him?" Elena answers. I look to Damon with worry. 

"He went out in to the woods and never came back, i tried his phone but its going straight to voice mail, i thought he might be here with you" Damon said. 

Elena tries to ring Stefan. 

"its just going straight to voice mail. where could he be?" Elena asks Damon. 

"your not going to like what I'm thinking" Damon says. 

"the tomb vampires"  i wispier to Damon low enough that Elena couldn't hear. 

Another Salvatore(Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now