Telepath Knows Best

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I sat beside Klaus as he attempted to knit, his irritation was spilling into my head so I laid my head on his bare shoulder and looked into Diego's mind. He didn't have a song playing in his head anymore, but he'd mimicked my method of building brick walls, I only had access to his current baseline: mildly panicked. "Hey, you've been in enough babushka heads, how do I start this thing?" Klaus asked, breaking my focus as we waved his needle in my face, the other stuck into his ball of yarn.

With a soft breath, I took the needle and unwound the black yarn, staring at the string a minute as I tapped into the photocopied memories my brain had endlessly stored. I tied a slip knot and slid it onto the needle, grabbing the other out of the yarn. Klaus scooted closer as he watched my hands, feeding me yarn as he held the ball. I walked him through the process and undid the row of stiches, leaving the last loop and handing the needles to him. "I'll show you the next step when you get there," I informed, resting my head back on his shoulder.

He was a lot less frustrated this go in, it helped that I was mentally guiding him through the movements. He had undone his own line several times, creating one he was proud of before handing the needles back to me, ready to learn how to continue. I went to accept them when there was a knock on the door, looking up as Five let himself in. "Hey, get up. We're going," he informed.

"Where?" Klaus questioned, resting the needles against his stomach.

"To save the world," Five answered with a dubious expression.

"Oh. Is that all? Great." Klaus sighed and moved his knitting paraphernalia into my lap, looking around his floor for clothes.

"So, Pogo said Dad killed himself to get us all back together, right?" Five started.

"Yeah, so?" I played along with a sigh of my own.

"So it got me thinking. I had to jump to the future to figure out when it happened. But Dad, he can't time travel," he stated obviously. "So how'd the crazy bastard actually know to kill himself a week before the end of the world?" I shrugged, moved the yarn, and unplugged the string of lights he hung above his bed, standing as Klaus pulled on socks.

"Well, you know," he began.

"Don't answer. That was purely rhetorical," Five quickly shot down, not having made his point. I patted Klaus' head and leaned against his dresser, eyes trained on Five. "Truth is, our whole lives, he's been telling us we'd save the world from an impending apocalypse."

"I thought he just said that to scare us into doing our chores," I grumbled, recalling the funky accent delivering the sense of doom.

"Me too," Klaus realized, but Five stepped in before we got too sidetracked.

"But what if the old man really knew it was going to happen?" he challenged.

"Yeah, but knew how?" Klaus grumbled, standing and picking up a shirt. He used to be so lanky, war really beefed him up.

"I have no idea," Five sighed. Klaus sniffed his shirt before he pulled it over his head as the midget continued. "But the fact remains his fakakta plan worked, we all came home. Since we're all here, we might as well save the world." His dark eyes shot up to mine, silently looking to see if I'd follow him, and I gave him a quick one shouldered shrug paired with a short nod.

"Oh yeah?" Klaus challenged. "What, like, the three of us?"

"Well, ideally, no, but," Five shrugged, leading us out of Klaus' room, "gotta work with what I've got." As we came up to Diego's door he was coming out, slinging a knife holster around his back and slipping knives in after it was secured.

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