Conquering Demons

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I took a deep breath as I entered the bowling alley, instantly noticing the lack of Five's heavy mental presence. "Where'd Five go?" I asked quietly, trying to keep focused on only my own mind.

"Didn't tell us," Klaus shrugged, pulling a sigh from my lips. We died because we didn't have him the first go around, why did he think now would be a good time to leave, when the apocalypse took place in t-minus-whenever now?

"Well, we're not waiting around for him," Luther sighed, shaking my head when Klaus offered me some popcorn. "The concert starts in thirty minutes."

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Diego asked, eyes locked on Luther.

"Well," he slowly started, "I think that, uh..." He paused a second to collect his thoughts. "We go to the Icarus Theater."

"That's a location, not a plan," Diego deadpanned. With another sigh, I sat down and rubbed my temple, Allison joining me with a tired expression. "What, is that all you got?" he continued when Luther had nothing to add. Great, another of their testosterone battles, I deflated, purposely zoning out in hopes of ignoring the exchange.

I didn't get to for long, a collection of scrambled thoughts  at the entrance gaining my attention. Ada, what is it? Allison asked as I stood and looked at the door. I couldn't answer as I tried to decipher the thoughts, my eyes widening as people in gasmasks with assault rifles piled in through the doors. "Get down!" I warned, seconds before they opened fire.

"Who the hell are these guys?!" Diego yelled over the screams and gunfire as we ducked behind bowling ball racks.

"Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday?" Klaus offered, causing disbelief to add to my panicked expression.

"No, I'm pretty sure they're here for us," Luther retorted as the gunfire continued. Allison flinched beside me as the concessions from above our head started flying around, Diego taking the initiative and tossing a knife at one of the men. Luckily enough, when his body crumbled he hit the button for the lights, also sending music blasting through the building.

It had confused them, if only for a second, giving them enough hesitation for me to peak around the rack before they opened fire once more, Allison quickly pulling me back into place. Of all the times I could possess someone, this would probably be the most handy, but my brain was too clouded and unfocused for that.

Luther started throwing bowling balls at them, Diego popping up every now and again to throw another knife, and Klaus decided to Steve Aoki one of them with what was likely Kenny's cake. "They're blocking the exit!" Klaus informed as he knelt between me and Allison.

"So what's the plan now, Luther?" Diego criticized. Allison tapped me and pointed out to the expanse of room.

"The lanes," Luther deciphered. "Let's go!" So, like the blundering bunch of idiots we seemed to be lately, we went running down the lanes and crashing into the pins like human bowling balls, using the hallway behind them to make our getaway.

"Ada, c'mon," Diego encouraged when he noticed I stayed in my seat. "We don't have all day." I turned to face him with my lips in a tight line, brown eyes impassive.

"I'm staying in the car. I can help you from here," I lightly dismissed.

"What are you talking about, c'mon." My brows furrowed and I shook my head, fidgeting with the hem of my skirt. I couldn't tell what emotion his eyes held under the domino mask, but I knew he wasn't pleased by my refusal.

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