Once More Over the Hurdle

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Diego rushed ahead of us to wake up Mom as the boys and I carried Allison upstairs in the ungodly hours of the a.m., Mom ready and helping us carry her limp body the rest of the way. "She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx," Mom informed, holding pressure against the wound. "One of you will need to give blood."

Instantly, we all resounded, "I will."

"I'm doing it," Luther informed, stepping up to Mom.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy," Pogo interjected, standing beside me behind the lot of my brothers. "Your blood is more compatible with mine." There was a silence among us, pieces clicking into place as Mom prepared the transfusion.

"Hey, don't sweat it," Klaus quickly jumped in. "I... I got this, big guy." He walked around the table and slapped the dip of his elbow to bring forth his veins, "I love needles!"

"Master Klaus," Pogo butted in again. "Your blood is... How shall I say this? Too polluted." I shrugged and nodded, That's one way to put it.

"Move," Diego ordered, instantly sending Luther back a step as the former came around the table. I knew better, though, taking steps forward and quickening my pace when Mom lifted the needle, a soft whimper leaving Diego as his body went slack. I went down to my knees and caught his head, saving myself from a majority of the pain as a jolt ran through the right side of my body when his hit the floor.

I sighed and rested his head on the floor, offering Mom my wrist as I sat beside him, keeping one hand on his head. It was sweet, demanding to be stuck when he knew his deep fear of needles, what with the tattooing and experimenting, but stupid all the same. I winced when the needle pierced my skin, running my thumb over the side of Diego's head to comfort myself.

Five brought me a chair, offering me a hand and hoisting me up into it so I was off the floor. "You should be taking it easy," I mumbled, gesturing to his stomach.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." He gave me a small, unconvincing smile so I squeezed his hand before he walked away from me. Just because Five's head was a complicated mess, didn't mean I needed it to read him. Part of him was worried about Allison, but he mostly wanted to get back on Defcon 1 duty, it didn't take telepathy to figure it out.

Diego had only been out for a couple minutes before he slowly came back to the realization of the world, dark eyes meeting mine as I held Allison's hand, our arms attached with a rubber tube transporting my blood to her. "Shit," he grumbled, carefully picking himself up.

"You're fine, Mom should be cutting me off sometime soon," I mumbled, feeling a tad lightheaded. Along with 'applesauce penguins' there was another, completely less important thought I'd been unable to kick from my head. I suppose the drugs played a part in how long it took to surface, which made me all the more curious if it'd came to his realization as well.

Diego took a minute to adjust, sitting on the floor with his knees drawn up as Mom came around the table and finished the transfusion, instructing Diego to take me to get some food. Once she'd placed the band-aid on my inner elbow, he helped me stand and let me lean against him as we made our way down to the kitchen. "How's your arm?" I mumbled, noticing the lack of pain.

"I had Mom look at it after you drugged me," he explained, still disapproving of the action. "She took care of it." I sighed and leaned against the table, allowing Diego to give me a once over before he went searching for a quick snack.

He initially held up crackers in an offer and I couldn't help the giggle that fell out of my lips. "You've never been to a blood drive," I realized aloud, a light smile on my lips. "Something that has sugar in it, D." I closed my eyes and ran my thumb over the band-aid, attempting to rub out the soreness. Allison had lost a significant amount of blood, however much I'd given her had caused a slight high of it's own.

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