Chapter Thirty Four: Unfinished

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"Get Jimin prepped with anesthetic, Louis. . . do you think you can be here with me too?" Louis nodded, Jimin's hand still in his. "Yeah, I will." "Thank you. I'll be back Jimin." Jimin nodded before he was taken to another room where the operation will take place. Seokjin took a deep breath as he walked towards a hallway. He stopped when he saw Jay, arms crossed in front of him. "This is crazy man. . . are you seriously going to do this? I know Jimin consented but-. . . I don't know if it's the right thing to do." Seokjin nodded before patting Jay's shoulder. "I don't wanna do this either but. . . Jimin wants it.

He wants to keep people safe." "His kindness is bullshit. I hate that about him. . . how can he think of others before himself. He doesn't know them and I'm sure they wouldn't give two shits about him!" Seokjin gave him a half hearted smile before walking towards Yoongi and the others. He didn't feel like it was right to do this operation without letting the others know. He had to tell them, even though he knew it would make it just as difficult, maybe even more so.

"He'll be fine now. Just let him rest and make sure he doesn't move much if he wakes up sooner than expected. He could accidently open his wound again." Yoongi nodded before thanking the doctor who helped Jungkook. Now only Taehyung and Yoongi were inside the room with Jungkook, waiting to see if he'll wake up soon. He signed as he sat down on the chair next to Jungkook's right side, Taehyung was sitting on the left side. "Do you think. . . he'll wake up soon?" "I hope so" Yoongi responded, nervously twiddling his thumbs. Taehyung pouted, immediately knowing why Yoongi looked so anxious. "Do you think Jimin is okay?" Yoongi glanced up at Taehyung before nodding. "I'm sure he's okay. . . he's strong. He'll be fine."

Just as Yoongi finished talking, the door opened and in came Namjoon. "Hey Joon, how's Sophie?" "Sophie?" Taehyung asked with confusion. "She's asleep. She was asking for you though. You should go talk to her when you can." Yoongi nodded his head with agreement before asking Namjoon another question. "Did you find out anything about Jimin?" Namjoon scratched the back of his neck before he glanced at Jungkook.

"You know the mark Jungkook has. . . the one of the Skull Fighters?" Yoongi frowned "Yeah? What about it?" "Jimin has it too, on his lower back." Taehyung gasped "Oh no. . . do you think-?" "I don't know. We should ask them when they wake. Whatever they did to them. . . I hope karma punishes them accordingly." Yoongi clenched both of his fist, an angry expression on his face. "We'll see if karma will get to them first." The sound of the door opening caught everyone's attention.

"Seokjin? How's Jimin?" Yoongi asked with a worried expression. Seokjin looked down at the ground, sighing "Yoongi, may I speak with you outside?" Without another word, Yoongi immediately followed Seokjin into the hallway. "What's wrong? Did something happen to Jimin?" Seokjin shook his head "No, we were able to stablize him as well as conduct a test for Jimin's immunity. We found it but. . ." "But? What happened?" Yoongi asked when Seokjin stopped speaking. "The virus adapted in his body therefore causing immunity. The only way for us to achieve a vaccine is to extract a sample but. . . the virus adapted in an organ. . ." Yoongi frowned, slowly realizing where this conversation was heading.

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