"A penny for your thoughts?" he asked when she began to walk pass him.
Pausing for a bit Victoria ignored his sarcasm and headed straight for her car. And as expected he followed.
"Do you come here when you're upset?" he continued.
Instead of using the beeper to unlock the car she used her key. If she opened all four doors he might just jump in however he wanted, and that was the last thing Victoria wanted. She opened the door to get in but before she could close the door behind her he took a hold of it pulling it open.
"Where are you going?"
Victoria pressed her lips together keeping her eyes ahead. The last thing she also wanted was to see his face. Suddenly burning with anger she stepped back out pushing his arm away from her car.
"I want to be alone, so please respect that," she glared at him before turning back around to get in, but he stopped her.
"Lets talk."
Victoria clenched her jaw gently then spun back around. She stared at him waiting for him to go on, but nothing came from him, so she decided she'd take the first spin.
"What do you want to talk about?" she started. "You and Hee Sun? You and me? Who else do you want to drag into the picture? Or do you want to start by explaining yourself?"
He just stared back at her as if he were totally helpless. Victoria turned away with a sarcastic laugh full of angry disbelief before turning back to look at him."You can't say it, huh? How come you always make me tell you the truth when you can't even give me a full explanation?" Victoria asked. "Do you want to start telling me why you went cold last week?"
She stared hard at him challenging him to tell her, but he did nothing. All of a sudden he grabbed her hand.
"Lets try again."
Victoria continued staring at him.
"Hee Sun...is Eunhyuk's sister, we grew up together so she's also like a sister to me. I couldn't just ignore her when I saw her crying helplessly. I know her too well so I can't abandon her when she needs help."
Victoria listened but heard herself talking back to him mentally. And why was she crying? Why couldn't he tell her why Hee Sun was crying?
"The past week when I suddenly stopped answering your calls...I was with her. She won't take care of herself when she appeals to someone for help."
"Why? What was the reason to why you were there?" Victoria asked. If he just told her straight out that Hee Sun was pregnant, that she told him she was pregnant and he couldn't leave her be, maybe she'd let it go. But Donghae was going around the answer.
"She just needed me," Donghae answered still grasping onto her hand. "Lets just go back to where we left off."
"What's wrong with you?" Victoria asked pulling her hand away. "You're not the person I thought you were. Until you gather yourself don't talk to me about getting together."Getting back into the car and slamming the door Victoria sped off watching him stand still in the rearview mirror. He confused her. He was so happy, so confident earlier, but now he was like a person who'd been stepped on. His current attitude was very different and she wasn't used to it. Donghae acted like a doll that someone could control with their will. Why...was he letting Hee Sun do this to him? Where did his usual self disappear to? Not until he returned to being the regular Donghae Victoria didn't want to see him.
He finally turned when she was out of sight. He felt weak. Where was the sudden motivation Eunhyuk had given him? Why could he only hold her hand? Why couldn't he say something worth listening to her?"What happened to you?" he asked himself.
The next two days he didn't hear from her and he didn't go to Hee Sun, who had called him numerous times. And within those days he began to fall sick.
Victoria passed by Hee Sun a few times during that week. Avoiding conversation with her she pretended that she never noticed her. Then one day when Hee Sun had passed her Victoria stopped in her steps turning around to watch her back disappear among the other many students. Her belly had obviously grown bigger for just being almost 2 months pregnant and she wasn't trying to hide it anymore, a big step she was taking. Was Donghae keeping her company lately? Were the two of them happy together? Spinning back around Victoria stared at the ground and quickly walked toward her next class.
She hadn't called him and had avoided using her phone. If she had her phone with her she was sure she'd be staring at it all day long. Even when she was at her office she was anticipating surprise visits from him, but he never even came. He had actually made her fall head over heels for him, even when she thought it would never happen. Now all she knew about herself was that her heart ached from missing him. Why was she so attached to him suddenly?
She drove pass his house a couple of times and finally decided to stop by. However she wanted to put it that they hadn't officially broken up yet. If they tried to talk it through one more time...there would be a possibility of getting back together. Maybe making an excuse like "Eunhyuk told me to stop by" wouldn't sound too fake when he answered the door. When she knocked on the door he didn't answer it. She rung the bell again and again then began knocking.
"Donghae?" she called.

You Said Remember Me
FanfictionVictoria returns home from the hospital and plans to move to Seoul and leave her past behind in Incheon, but before she leaves she wants to say her farewells to her two friends. However, things change abruptly when she enters their apartment to disc...