Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I have been working at Teller Morrow for a few months now and while I get along with everyone, I don't look anyone in the eye. I am a thick girl and suffer from severe depression and anxiety. There's a party every weekend but I have yet to come to one. I just opened the office when Jax walks in. "Hey Darlin. How are you doing today?" he asks. "I'm okay. Can you and Sack handle these repos please?" I ask. "Sure Darlin." he says as he takes the list from me and walks out. A few minutes later Juice walks in to clock in. "Morning, Chloe." he says. "Morning." I say but I don't look at him. See, I'm in love with Juice. But he would never go for a girl like me so I keep my distance. "You okay?" he asks. "Yeah. Just tired." I tell him. "There's a party tonight. You coming?" he asks. "I don't think so." I tell him. "Well, if you change your mind..." he says. "Thanks." I say but still don't look at him.

A few minutes later, Gemma walks in. "Morning baby." she says. "Morning Gemma." I say. "Any plans for the weekend?" she asks. "Just hanging at home." I tell her. "You know, you could hang here. I could set you up a dorm so you don't have to worry about driving." she tells me. "Thanks Gemma. I might stay for a drink." I tell her. After work, I head into the clubhouse and the party has already started. Drinking my beer, I look around and see Juice sitting on one of the couches with a croweater on his lap. "You know, you can talk to him." Tig says. "Doesn't matter. Look, I'm gonna head home. This was a bad idea." I say as I head out the door holding back the tears.

Walking into my house, I head to the answering machine seeing it blinking. Happy birthday sweetheart. Give me a call when you can. Love you. My mom's voice says. The next message is from my brother Happy birthday sis. Give me a call when you can. Love you. I don't even listen to the rest of the messages. I head to bed and cry myself to sleep. I spend the rest of the weekend sitting on the couch, crying and hiding from the world.

Monday morning rolls around and I walk into the office to get to work. Sitting at the desk, I start entering invoices and Gemma walks in. "Morning baby. How was your weekend?" she asks. "Quiet." I say but don't look up. "Why didn't you tell me your birthday was the other day?" she asks and I stop what I'm doing. "It's just another day Gemma." I tell her. "No it isn't." she tells me. "It really is. I don't celebrate it. Never have." I tell her and she just shakes her head. A few minutes later, Juice walks in to hand me some paperwork. "Did I hear Gemma say that your birthday was the other day?" he asks. "It's just another day Juice." I say. "It was your birthday." he tells me. "It's a day I don't celebrate. Never have. Not a big deal." I say. "I wish you wouldn't think that way." he says before walking out of the office. At the end of the day, it's time to leave and I go to lock up the office. "You wanna come in and get a drink?" I hear Juice ask behind me. "No. Thanks though." I say before walking away trying to fight off the tears.

Getting home that night, I don't bother even eating. I get in the shower and sob. Once out of the shower, I get into bed and sob even more. I can't do this anymore. I cry all night and still awake when the alarm goes off. Getting up and showered, I head to work. Walking into the office, I clock in and get my coffee to get to work. Gemma comes in and says "I'm going to be at the hospital with Abel most of the day. Running more tests." she tells me. "Okay. Let me know how he's doing." I say. "I will baby. Are you doing okay?" she asks. "I'm okay. Just tired." I tell her. "Not sleeping?" she asked. "Something like that." I tell her. "Well, you call me if you need me." she says. "I will." I tell her before she walks out the door.

A little later, Juice comes in and before he can say anything I ask "Can you and Opie handle the repos please?" He clocks in and says "Yeah." He takes the list from me and walks out the door. Jax walks in and closes both doors. "Talk to me." he says. "Nothing to talk about." I say. "I spoke to my mom." he says and I sigh in defeat. Without looking up, I say "What do you want to know?" He sits on the couch and says "First, why didn't you tell us about your birthday?" he asks. "I don't celebrate it. It's just another day to me. Jax, my family is ten hours away and anytime I talk to them they try to talk me into moving back home and I don't want that." I tell him. "You have us." he says. "We work together. It's not your job to worry about me." I tell him softly. "Why did you leave in such a hurry the other night?" he asks. "I was tired and didn't feel like staying." I say. "So it had nothing to do with a certain brother of mine and the croweater he was hanging out with?" he asks. "Doesn't matter." I say. "It does matter. I just wish you'd see that." he says before getting up and walking out the door. I sit in the chair and fight off the tears.

That evening, Juice walks into the office to turn in the repo list. "All done." he says. "Thanks." I say as I start shutting down the computer to close up the shop. "Can we talk?" he asks. "I'm really tired Juice." I say. "Yeah, okay." he says. "Good night Juice." I say as I lock the door and walk away. Getting home, I sit on the couch and just stare off into space. I hear a bike and look out the window to see Tig pulling up. Opening the door for him, I ask "What are you doing here?" he walks past me, into the house and says "Worried about you. Juice said he tried to talk to you and you blew him off." he says. "Tig, I'm just tired." I tell him. "It's more than that. Talk to me Doll." he says. "Fine. I'm in love with him but I see how he looks at the croweaters and I can't compete with that so the best thing to do is not let myself get close." I tell him. "Chloe..." he says. "I'm gonna head to bed." I say. "Yeah. Night Doll." he says. "Night Tig." I say.

After Tig leaves, I can't handle things anymore. I head to my bathroom for my sleeping pills and then to the kitchen for the bottle of Jack. Sitting down on the couch, I start popping sleeping pills and downing Jack. Before I know it, everything goes black.

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