Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next morning, I feel Juice stir next to me. He starts to get out of bed and I open my eyes. "Go back to sleep baby. We're heading out in a few." he tells me. I sit up in the bed and look at him. "It's gonna be okay. Don't worry. I love you." he says before kissing me softly. "I love you." I say. "When you get up, stay inside until I get back." he tells me. "Okay. I wanna see you and Pop off." I tell him. "Okay." he says. I get up and throw on my jeans and put on his shirt from last night and head out to the main room with him. Walking up, I see everyone standing there. "Be safe guys. Seriously. You're all I've got." I tell them. Clay walks over and says "We got you." before hugging me. They all come up and hug me but when Tig walks up I say "Please be safe Pop." He hugs me and says "It's all good kid." Kissing my temple, he walks out the door. Juice steps in front of me. "Be safe. Please." I tell him. "I will baby. Remember what I said. Stay inside. If you go outside, only go to the office and don't let yourself be alone, even for a minute until I get back." he tells me. "I won't." I tell him. "I love you." he says. "I love you too." I tell him.

The van pulls into my garage and they close the door. Walking into my house, they take post in the living room and discuss what they are going to do. "When they knock, Juice will answer the door. As soon as they are inside, we tell them what's gonna happen. They don't get near her." Clay says and they all nod. A little later, there's a knock on the door. Juice opens the door to see a well dressed couple standing there with another well dressed man behind them. "Who are you and what are you doing in my daughter's house?" the man asks. Juice steps back and opens the door and they walk inside. "Where's my daughter?" the woman asks. "Not here." Juice says. "Why not? She knows we were coming for her." the younger man says. "She's not going. She told you she doesn't want to go and we're making sure that she gets what she wants." Juice says. "And who are you?" the younger man says, getting in Juice's face. "Her Old Man. Chloe's with me now and none of you are getting close to her. You come near her and I'll fucking end you." Juice seethes. "You threatening me?" the younger guys asks "No. That's a fucking promise. Come near my Old Lady and I'll end you." Juice says again. "I'm calling the cops." the woman says. "Go ahead. When Chloe tells them that she gave us her key to get in and that she knows where here and that she doesn't want to go with you but you are trying to force her, they aren't gonna side with you." Jax says. "She's our daughter." the older man says. Tig gets in his face and says "She's not your kid. She's mine. You sold her off like she was a piece of property. That girl is my daughter. Only thing you gave her was dna." Tig seethes. "We'll be back." the younger man says as they head to the door but stops in front of Juice "I will have what's mine." They head out the door and Opie has to hold Juice back from lunging at the younger guy.

They walk back into the clubhouse and Juice walks right past me and to the dorm. I look at Tig and he pulls me close to him. "They left. But that dickhead said he'll be back for you. Go see about your Old Man." He tells me. I look at him and go to say he's not my Old Man yet but he cuts me off. "Go take care of your Old Man." He kisses my temple before I walk off to the dorms.

Walking into the dorm, I close and lock the door but don't move from the door. "Juice?" I call out softly. "What." he says sharply. I jump slightly. "Shit. Come here." he says softly. I walk over and he pulls me to him. "I didn't mean to snap at you. Shit just got me pissed off." he tells me. I look at him trying to read him. "Not at you baby. That piece of shit you mom wants you to marry. I wanted to rip his head off so bad but the guys wouldn't let me." he says. "What happened?" I ask. "They showed up talking about calling the cops on us but Jax told them that you gave us the key and knew we were there and that they were forcing you to leave so the cops weren't gonna side with them. They asked who I was and I told them I was your Old Man." he says, looking at me. I look at him shocked. "Don't look so shocked. You knew I wasn't letting you go." he tells me as he pulls me closer. "I won't let him near you." he says. "I know. I trust you." I tell him. He looks into my eyes and says "Right here." as he touches the back of my neck. "What?" I ask. "My crow. Once this is handled, I'll have Happy put my crow on you right here." he says as he rubs the back of my neck. I kiss him softly and say "Okay."

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