Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Waking up the next morning, the three of us get up and take turn getting showers and Lyla and Tara head home, leaving me to get ready for Juice to come to get me. I get dressed in a pair of jeans and a form fitting shirt with my tennis shoes. I'm in the kitchen when there's a knock on the door. I look through the peephole and see Juice standing there. He looks at me and smiles. "Ready to go?" he asks. "Yeah but can we talk for a minute?" I ask, letting him in. "Sure. You okay?" he asks. I lead him to the couch and sit with him sitting next to me. "I am but I wanted to tell you something. Tara, Lyla and I were listening to my answering machine messages last night and there were a couple of messages on there. One was from my mom, and one from the guy my mom wants me to marry. I called them both and told them that I wasn't moving home and not marrying him." I tell him. "What did they say?" he asks. "Mom said we would see and he basically told me that I wasn't going to disrespect him and that I don't get a say in the matter." I tell him. "Yes you do." he says. "I told them that I was going to call today and change my number so they couldn't reach me." I tell him. "After we eat, I'll take you to get a new phone. You need an upgrade anyway." he says. "Juice..." I say before he stops me. "You're my girl. Let me spoil you." he tells me kissing me softly. "Oh there was one more message on my machine from a really wonderful guy." I tell him and he smiles. "Tara and Lyla heard it too. They know. I hope that's okay." I say. "Why wouldn't it be?" he asks and I look at my hands. "Baby, I'm care about you. I want everyone to know we're together." he says as he tilts my head up and kisses me softly.

Juice and I head out to the diner for breakfast. While we are waiting on our food, he asks "Do you think that your family or this Josh guy are going to cause problems?" I look at him and say "I don't know. I mean, Josh isn't used to being told no and mom and dad just expect me to do what they tell me to do, no questions asked." I tell him. "We'll get the phone in my name. We need to change your house phone too. Just incase." he tells me. "Okay." I say, looking down at my hands on the table. "Talk to me Sweetheart." he says. I look up at him and ask "What am I going to do if they do try something?" He takes my hand and says "I won't let anything happen to you." I smile softly trusting him.

After we eat, we head back to my house for a bit. "You going to Gemma's dinner tomorrow?" he asks. "Yeah. I told her I'd make something." I say. "What are you making?" he asks. "I was thinking Chicken Casserole." I say and he licks his lips. I just shake my head. We sit on the couch and watch a movie when my home phone rings and I let the answering machine get it. Chloe, it's your mother. You father and I will be out there tomorrow morning to get you and your things to bring you home. We've moved your wedding date up at Josh's request so make sure you have everything ready when we get there. I don't want to be in that town longer than I have to. It says and I get up and walk to my bedroom as the tears start to fall. Juice walks in behind me and wraps his arms around me from behind and says "I won't let them touch you. Pack you a bag and we'll head to get your new phone and head to the clubhouse. We'll stay there until we get this handled." he tells me and I nod. He turns me around and says "I got you baby." before he kisses me softly.

After packing a bag and getting on Juice's bike, we head to the clubhouse. Walking in, he hands my bag to the prospect and says "Put Chloe's bag in my dorm." Jax looks at Juice and then me and sees our fingers laced together and smiles. "I need to call church brother." Juice tells Jax and his smile drops. He turns to the room and yells "Church!" Juice looks at me and says "Stay inside. I won't be long." before he kisses me softly and heads into the chapel.

Gemma walks over and pulls me to her and says "I see you and the Rican are good." I smile and say "We are. We're really good." She looks at me and asks "What aren't you telling me?" I look at her and say "Can we talk in private?" She pulls me to the office and we sit on the couch. "Last night, when Lyla and Tara were over, we listened to the messages on my answering machine. One was mom and one was this guy Josh that mom wants me to marry. Dad's business is going bankrupt and they brokered a deal that I would marry Josh and Josh's dad would go into business with my dad and help get his business back on track. I didn't get a say in it. They basically sold me off to save the business. I called both mom and Josh last night and told them I was not marrying him and that I was not moving back home and they aren't taking no for an answer. Mom called while Juice was at my house saying that her and my dad would be here in the morning to get me and move me back home and to be ready." I tell her. "Shit baby. What are you going to do?" I look at her and say "Whatever the club says I need to do. Juice won't let them get to me." I tell her. "You have that much faith in your Old Man?" she asks. "He's not my Old Man. We just got together but yes, I do." I tell her.

In church, Clay asks "Why did you need to call church?" Juice looks at everyone at the table and says "Chloe and I are together." They all start cheering. "That's great Juicy Boy but you could have said that out there." Chibs says. "I know but there's an issue. You guys know about her parents right? Her dad's business is going bankrupt so her parents made a deal with a friend that she was to marry their son and they would go into business with her parents to save her dad's business. They aren't letting her have a say. She called them last night and told them that she wasn't getting married to him and that she was cutting them all out of her life. Her mom left a message on her machine saying they would be at her house in the morning to get her moved. I'm not letting them take her. She doesn't want to go and I won't let them force her. I plan on being at her house in the morning when they get there and handling this shit myself. I know you all care about her, too." he says. "We'll all crash here tonight and leave out before daylight. Take the van and park in her garage and be there when they walk in the door. If her mom thinks she has that much control over Chloe, she won't respect her enough to knock." Clay says. "Thanks brothers." Juice says. "She's family man. We got your girl." Jax says.

A little later, the guys come out of the chapel. "Where's Chloe?" Juice asks the prospect. "In the office with Gemma." he says. Juice walks out to the office and knocks on the closed door. Opening the door he walks in and sees me sitting there with tears in my eyes. He sits next to me and pulls me to him. "Hey, it's okay baby. I promise." he says and I just nod. Gemma gets up and walks out to give us a few minutes. "We're gonna stay here a few days. In the morning, me and the guys are heading to your house before daylight to be there when your parents show up." he tells me and I look at him. "I won't hurt them but we will get the message across that you aren't going with them. You belong here with me." he tells me and I snuggle closer to him. "I got you baby. I won't let anything happen to you." he says as we just sit there, me in his arms, finally feeling like everything will be okay.

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