Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It's been three months since Juice and I got married and started trying for a baby and things are going great. I haven't told Juice but I'm late so I head to the doctor to get checked out. "What can I do for you today, Chloe?" Dr Adams asks. "I need a pregnancy test." I tell her. "Okay. We'll draw some blood and see what we can find out." she says. A few minutes later, the nurse comes in to draw blood and twenty minutes later the doctor comes in and says "Well, looks like you are indeed pregnant. Let's get your ultrasound and see how far along you are and get you started on your prenatals." she says and I can't help but smile. After getting the ultrasound, I find out that I am six weeks pregnant.

Walking up to the clubhouse, I walk over to Juice and he pulls me close. "Hey baby." he says. "Hey." I say kissing him softly. "I'm about to take lunch. Wanna head to the dorm and make a little rican?" he asks and I start laughing. "Too late." I tell him. He looks at me confused so I hand him the ultrasound and he looks at it and then me and picks me up, crashing his lips to mine. "What's going on?" Jax asks. "I knocked her up!" he shouts.

Everyone comes over and congratulates us. "How far along are you?" Gemma asks. "Six weeks." I tell her. "I'm so happy for you baby." she says, hugging me. We all head into the clubhouse to celebrate. Everyone gets shots and the croweater puts one in front of me. "Water please." I say and she replaces it with water. Before she pours it out, since she's one that's always nice to me, I say "Take it with us." She looks at me and smiles. "To a happy and healthy little Ortiz." They all cheer and down the shot with me taking a drink of my water.

That night, after the party, Juice and I are lying in bed and he's rubbing my stomach. "I can't believe we're having a kid." he says. "Keep saying things like that and I might think you're happy about this." I say joking. He turns me over to look at him and says "I am very happy about this. Seriously. I want this more than anything." he tells me. Kissing him softly I say "I know you do. I do too." I lay facing him and snuggle into his chest and he pulls me as close as he can get me. "I love you." he says. "I love you too." I say before we drift off to sleep.

It's been a month since I found out I was pregnant and it's time to go to the doctor. "How are you feeling Chloe?" Dr Adams asks. "Really good. Morning sickness must have skipped me." I tell her laughing. "Good. You're lucky." she tells me. "You have no idea." I say, looking over at Juice who's smiling wide. She does the normal check and tells me to be back in a month. We leave the office and Juice says "Follow me to the diner. We can get lunch." I kiss him and nod before heading to Hanna's. Once inside, we walk to a booth and sit down. Him on one side and me on the other. "I've been thinking. That guest room, we can turn into a nursery." Juice says. "I like that idea but I don't like the idea of pink or blue. What would you think about a soft gray color for the walls?" I ask. "I like that. I can get the prospects to paint the walls and get Happy to do a mural on it." he says. "That would be great." I say. "You thought of names?" he asks. "I was thinking Loralie Ann for a girl and Carlos James for a boy." He looks at me and smiles and says "I love those." We eat before heading back to the garage.

Once back at the garage, I head to the office and he goes to the bays to get started. Gemma walks in. "How'd the appointment go?" she asks. I smile and say "It went good. Everything looks good so far. We grabbed lunch and decided on names." I tell her. "What did you pick?" she asks. "Loralie Ann for a girl and Carlos James for a boy." I tell her. "Those are beautiful baby." she tells me. We get to work and things are busy until time to head home.

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