Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

A little later, Jax gets a call from Darby. "Yeah man. Thanks. I'll let the guys know." Jax says before ending the call. "Church!" he calls. Once everyone is in the chapel, Jax begins. "That was Darby. He said there's a meeting with her parents, Zobell and Weston tonight to discuss wedding plans. Apparently, Weston and Zobell don't know she's not a virgin anymore or that she's already taken. He's sending me a text with the info and said he would make sure his crew was there to back us up. He's made it known that these kills belong to Juice, Tig and me." Jax says and they all nod. "So now all we can do is wait?" Opie asks. "Yeah. Shouldn't be too long." Jax says. They walk out of the chapel and Juice walks over to me and says "Come with me."

Walking into his dorm, he closes and locks the door. I sit on the bed and wait for him to come to me but he doesn't. He leans against the desk and says "There's a meet planned for tonight with Zobell, Weston and your parents to talk about wedding plans. Apparently your parents didn't tell them about you not being a virgin anymore or about us being together. Darby is a friend of the club and his crew is going to be there to back us up." Juice tells me. "You're going to take all four out?" I ask, not looking at him. "Me, Jax and Tig." he tells me. I just nod. He walks over and kneels in front of me. "Are you okay with this?" he asks concerned. I look into his eyes and say "I am. I just want it to be done." I tell him. "I know. And when it is, I'm making you my wife. As soon as possible." he tells me. "Okay." I say and smile softly but it doesn't meet my eyes. "Talk to me." he says. "I want to be your wife. I want your babies." I tell him. "And I'll give you all of that once this is done. I promise." he tells me. I pull him up to hover over me and ask "How much time do we have?" He smirks and says "Enough." before crashing his lips with mine. We start to shed clothes and he enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out slowly making love to me, he whispers "I love you, Chloe. Nothing will ever change that. It's you and it will always be you." I look at him and smile softly as I arch into him losing myself to him. I find my release over and over before he finds his. Lying together, him holding me close, I say "I want to go to the courthouse when this is done. I don't want to wait." I tell him. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Positive." I tell him. "Okay then." he tells me before kissing me softly. We hear a knock on the door and Opie's voice. "Showtime brother." Juice kisses me again and says "On my way."

Once we were redressed, we walk out to the main room hand in hand. We walk over to the guys and I say "Thank you for everything guys. I want you all to know that I love you and I am so glad you're my family." I tell them. They all smile and nod and I say "I know what you all are going to do and I trust all of you and am completely behind what you have to do. Once this is done, Juice and I are getting married and I want you all to be there." I tell them and they all congratulate us. Juice turns to me and says "We'll be back soon. I love you." I kiss him softly and say "I love you too. Be safe please." I tell him and he kisses me again before walking out the door with the rest of the guys.

Meeting up with Darby, he tells us "All four are in there. I can have my guys go in and get them all restrained." Darby says and Juice looks at him. "If we go in, they won't suspect anything and it will be easier to get them restrained." Darby says and Juice nods. "Thanks for this." Juice says. "Might not agree with her choice but it's her choice, not theirs." he says and Juice nods again. Darby's guy go in and start milling about, getting into position.

Apparently Darby planned everything out before we got there. A few minutes later, we see Chloe's parents being pulled from their seats as well as Zobell and Weston and being tied up. Darby's guys pull them out, bound, gagged and a bag over their heads, and put them in the van that the SONS brought with them. They all follow the van to a warehouse just outside of Charming, where the four are taken in and bound to chairs with plastic underneath each of them. Juice walks over to my Dad and gets in his face. "You honestly think you can sell my Old Lady? You thought I'd just let you do that? You're a piece of shit. When she has my kids, I will make sure they never know who you are or how you sold her to save yourselves." He moves away and walks over to Weston. "They told you she was a virgin. That you would be the only one. They lied. She gave that to me over and over." Juice tells Weston. Looking at Zobell, he says "You gave them money to buy a woman you never saw. Didn't know anything about." Finally walking over to my Mom, he says "You're supposed to love her. Care about her being happy. What kind of mother sells their daughter?" he saks. Tig walks in front of Zobell and puts a bullet in his skull, killing him instantly. They hear my Mom scream around the gag. Walking to Weston, Juice does the same. Walking in front of my parents, Tig says "From here out, Chloe is my kid, Gemma's kid. Any grandbabies will be ours, not yours. They will never know you exist." Tig says. Juice steps forward and says "She's marrying me. She will have my kids. You know why? Because she told me that's what she wants and I will always make sure she gets what she wants because that's what you do when you love someone. And no one will ever love her like I do. Our kids will always know how much Chloe and I love them. We will never sell them off like you did her." he says before Tig and Juice empty their clips into my parents, killing them.

Once it's all done, the guys come back to the clubhouse and I am sitting in Juice's dorm when the three of them walk in. "It's done." Tig says. I look at each man as I walk up to them. "Thank you big brother." I say before kissing his cheek. He nods before walking out the door. "Thank you Daddy." I tell him and he smiles "Anything for you kid." before walking out the door. I walk to Juice and kiss him softly and say "I love you. Thank you." He kisses me back and whispers "I'll always protect you. Anything you need or want." he tells me. I kiss him again before pulling him to the bed. I know he needs that release. "I need you Juan Carlos." I whisper before he crashes his lips with mine, shedding our clothes and he enters me roughly. Thrusting in and out hard and fast, I feel him lift one leg higher over his hip and put his hand under my ass, lifting me so he can drive deeper and it's a combination of pleasure and pain and I lose myself over and over before he finally loses himself inside me. Pulling me close, I tell him. "Tomorrow." He looks at me and smiles. "Tomorrow." he says, knowing that's when I want to get married.

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