Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next morning, her mother had already left to go outside. She must need fresh air, for all the thoughts she had built up.

Scarlett hated to anger her mother even more, but she needed to understand what they were talking about. They had acted as she could just walk up to the Mystical Forest, but after exploring last night, it was highly impossible.

Sap was grooming her fur across the den. Scarlett bit her tongue and crouched against the rock floor. She quietly stepped across the entrance, luckily her mother didn't see her from outside. Then she sped up and walked over to Sap.

Sap stopped grooming herself and flicked up her ears. "What do you need young one?"

"I heard you and my mother talking last night... You talked as if I could just stroll up to the Mystical Forest." Scarlett said honestly.

Sap paused for a moment. "So that means you known we are trapped here?"

Scarlett gave a short nod.

Sap took a deep breathe. "That is where you are wrong. I, your mother, all the others are trapped here. You, Scarlett are not.

Scarlett tilted her head, "I don't understand." She mumbled.

Sap changed her tone to a whisper. "There is a secret exit, small enough for only a pup to fit through. Most would rather stay here, so they don't tell the pups until there older. And like your mother, they don't let you explore to keep you from finding it. But I am going to change that, because you, Scarlett are special."

Scarlett took a step back, shocked. Scarlett knew she had to make the hardest decision of her life, would she escape to her dream world, or stay with those who loved her most? Scarlett stuttered, "I need to get to my nest now."

Sap gave a quick understanding nod, as Scarlett turned around and walked back to her nest.

Scarlett curled up, just in time. Her mother walked in the den and looked at her with happy eyes, thinking that she had stayed there all day. Her mother sat down by her, as the sun fell. Scarlett tried to think of an idea, but nothing came to her head. She thought a good nights rest could help her think, and she quickly fell asleep next to her mother.

She opened her eyes to see a beautiful fox standing above her. The fox seemed to have crystals flying around her. Her mother was still asleep next to her. The starry fox said nothing but left the den. Scarlett stood up and had a feeling that she needed to follow the shiny fox. She walked out of the den, following the shimmering shape. They walked across a path in the trees, where no trees stood.

She could make out the clear wall now, but instead they took a sudden left. The mystical figure started running, and Scarlett raced after her. They stopped towards a wooden wall this time. Below it, she could see a small gap, that only she could fit through. The starry figure gave a wag of her tail.

"I am StarLight." The fox barked. "I am the lead ancestor of the Skulks."

Scarlett wagged her tail. "Really, Sap has told me so much about you! I can't believe it's true!"

StarLight laughed, "Yes, the ancestors can visit you in your dreams. Sap is a very wise fox, but her time is no more. But for you young one, you're destiny, is not what you think.

Scarlett flicked her head, not understanding.

Starlight flicked her tail towards the hole. "I will help you shape your path, but Scarlett, you need to shape the paw steps you take."

Scarlett awoke.

Scarlett saw the den was still dim. She had awoken in the middle of the night. The thought then came to her head, wondering if it was true she could escape. She silently got up and left the den. She then raced through the path, then changing her path to the undergrowth. And then, there stood, the escape hole. It then became all clear in her head. She must escape! She must!

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