Chapter Twelve

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My eyes fix on him as I drift away from my bewildered family pulled by the human magnet climbing out of his Jeep. I hear a vague cry of "Mother!" but ignore it in favor of basking in the sunshine of the smile which fills my dreams at night.

"I didn't tell you what time I was picking up Mia. How did you figure it out?" Standing only a few feet away, Griff turns towards me his eyebrows rising towards his brow and several seconds pass before a hesitant smile pulls at the corners of his mouth.

"Libby, hey there. I'm here on business picking up a client — more like a friend of a friend that I'm helping out." He runs his hands through his tangled hair. Within seconds, an awkwardness develops between us.

I gesture over to my crew, turning away quickly to blink away the hot tears taking shape in my eyes. Looking to cover the evidence of my humiliation, I pull my sunglasses down from the top of my head.

"I have an unexpected guest and not enough room in the Prius for everyone, the luggage..." My voice comes out higher and more brittle-sounding than usual  before it fades away. 

As I turn to walk back the way I came, Griff's warm, callused fingers gently touch my forearm. "Libby, I can help you if you can wait long enough for me to locate my client."

Looking over my shoulder, I nod and manage a small smile.

"Give me a few minutes, okay?" Griff hustles across the street and into the terminal.

I plaster a broad smile on my face as I step towards my kids. The group is a contrast of emotions — Mia vibrates with happiness while Carrie's narrowed eyes match the thin line of her lips, and Nate's face could be the template for the bewildered emoji with his wide eyes and slack jaw.

"I solicited some help with the luggage." I force a happy enthusiasm into my words hoping my daughter's eagle eyes don't pick up on my false mood.

"Who's the beach bum?"

"Carrie! That is downright rude." Who is this judgmental woman? Not my little girl. I can only wonder what had soured my sweet girl on life, on others, and on me.

"You didn't answer the question." She folds her arms across her chest and tapping the fingers of one hand against her upper arm.

"And you look just like your father right now. Griff is a friend who is doing us a huge favor; unless one of you would like to sit here with the luggage while I transport Mia and the other sibling to my home and return here in forty minutes or so." It's beneath me to compare Carrie to her dad. I regret my words as soon as they pass over my tongue.

"Well, here comes your friend with some blonde woman. Is that his wife?" Nate questions as he shoots Carrie a look when she opens her mouth to speak. Carrie, ever sensitive to her brother's opinions, doesn't respond but focuses on Griff and his client as they cross the street.

Griff pulls a large suitcase as the woman moves with caution a hand resting protectively on her rounded belly. I grab Carrie's bags before she can protest and head back to his parking place. The blonde eyes me with caution but Griff says something I can't hear, and her face softens with her smile.

"Is that all? I have room for the dog crate if I break it down," Griff asks as he hefts the bags into his SUV.

"That would be great if you could."

"Sure, sweetheart, no problem. Let me introduce you to my guest. Libby Crenshaw, I'd like you to meet Clare Moran."

I extended my hand to grasp Clare's hand. I was surprised at the strength in her grip. Her bright blue eyes shine with friendliness.

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