Chapter Nineteen

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The gentle presence of a cool hand on my forehead awakens me. My eyelids flutter open to reveal a darkened room with the faint light of a lantern differentiates little but lighter and darker shadows. A whiff of lavender that reminds me of my mother calms my senses. My muddled head and uncooperative limbs make sitting upright a struggle.

"Don't get up too fast, Libby. You don't want to faint again," a woman's soft voice advises me.I squint my eyes as her features swim in and out of focus in the dim surroundings. It's the woman from the airport. My gaze travels to her belly rounded with pregnancy, and by the looks of it, she will deliver soon.

"I'm sorry, I know we've met, but I don't remember your name."

Her gentle smile reassures. "I'm Clare."

"Right." My eyes dart around the room searching for Mia. "My dog? Where's Mia?" I move my legs as I struggle once more to move.

"She's fine. Griff has her in the great room. Mia's a lovely dog. I have a yellow lab, Max. He's staying with a friend until I can get back home." Clare's smile wavers for a second before returning brighter and larger than before. I know she's forcing it for me. She has her own story to tell, but her generous soul invests itself in making sure I'm alright.

"Thank you, Clare for taking care of me. How long was I out?"

"Not long, but then you fell asleep. The worsening weather and that horrible drive here exhausted you. I know it would have done the same to me." This young woman with her own troubles is a caretaker. She's close to my children's ages, and the difference in their attitudes is striking. I wonder if Carrie and Nate would be so caring to a stranger.

There's a knock on the door before it opens slowly. Griff pushes the door gently with his foot as he walks in with a tray. "I brought you some soup and bread. It's canned chicken and noodle, I hope you don't mind." He stands by the bed as Clare helps me adjust the pillows behind my back. Once I'm settled, Griff sets the tray on my lap carefully so as not to spill.

"It's more than enough. Thank you to both of you. I'm kind of embarrassed to have caused such a commotion." I smile up at them. "I hope you've eaten something, have you?"

"We will as soon as we know you're okay," Griff answered for the two of them.

"I insist that we head out to the kitchen and I can eat at the island while you grab some food. Clare needs to take care of herself and the baby. Griff, could you carry this back into the kitchen? I would but I want to make sure I'm not woozy when I stand up."

His shaggy head shakes back and forth in disbelief or admiration I don't know which, but he takes the tray from me and heads out the door. Clare insists I sit on the side of the bed a moment before getting up.

"You are as bad as a nurse in the hospital," I grumble under my breath.

She laughs at me as she stands with her hands on her hips. "I am a nurse. Glad I haven't lost my touch!"

Her amusement and fun, saucy response have me giggling. We must have been a bit loud, because Griff yells for us to quit cutting up and get a move on before my soup gets cold. I roar with amusement at his scolding while Clare holds onto her belly as she joins me.

"I guess we better get going before he gets offended." She extends one of her hands to steady me as I stand by the bed. Once she feels I have my bearings we head down the dark hallway to the great room.

When I had been here before, the house was airy and bright, but the closed storm shutters eliminate most of the light. The wind rattles against the walls and windows nature's soundtrack for the approaching hurricane as it builds to a frightening crescendo before softening and building again and again. My body trembles and jerks with each explosion of sound outside.
Griff leans against the kitchen island with a pronounced lack of tension. The man is unreal! He showed more agitation when he came to get me and the storm has to have worsened since then. He glances up and smiles at me.

"Eat, Libby. You'll need your strength." He pushes the bowl towards me before offering me a glass of milk or water. I request the milk which he pours and sets it near my bowl before he walks out of the room. I watch his back as he leaves and turn to Clare with a questioning look. She shrugs her shoulders.

"I just don't understand him." I take a spoonful of the soup.

"The internet and television reception are gone now. He has a radio system set up to get the latest broadcasts on the weather," Clare says as she settles into a chair nearby. She looks uncomfortable as she fans herself with a newspaper. The room is stuffy and the ceiling fan isn't moving. The electricity is out.

"Does Griff have a generator?" She nods her head. "Then why don't we use it so you are more comfortable?" How can Griff be so insensitive to his guest's needs?

"He's saving it just in case we need it for more important things," Clare responds with a slight smile as she passes her hand over her distended abdomen.

Oh, crap! She means if the baby comes. We will need the light if we have the deliver the baby. I've never delivered a baby. I had two babies but I've never delivered one! Apparently my panic shows on my face, because Clare smiles at me. I focus on eating.

"I may need your help, Libby. I've helped deliver a baby or two in the ER. I will talk you through it. I need your hands to assist me, okay?"

I nod. How could I not? This young woman is preparing to bring a baby into the world soon. I can only hope it will wait until after the hurricane is over.

"How are you feeling now? Are you having any labor pains?" I pray she isn't.

She laughs. "No. Not yet. The strange thing about hurricanes is that when the barometric pressure drops, it sometimes brings on labor. We have to be prepared and Griff has gotten everything we need, just in case. Many women deliver at home. It was a common occurrence in the first half of twentieth century."

I smile and nod. I don't know what to say. Did Griff bring me here for this purpose only, or did he really worry about my safety? I guess it doesn't matter at this point. I'm here and I will do my best.

"Do you have any children?" She puts her feet up on the ottoman and groans.

I finish my last bite of soup before answering. "I have two children a boy and a girl. Actually, they are adults. Nathan and Carrie."

"That's lovely. Are you close?"

"I always thought so, but they seem to think I need to placed in a nursing home due to advanced age and senility," I chuckle but sadness pulls at my heart. "Are you close to your parents?"

Clare's smile freezes in place. She clears her throat abruptly before answering, "I was. My parents and my brother died a few years ago. It was hard."

"I'm so sorry, Clare. My husband died last year and I've had a hard time dealing. I was so depressed I was contemplating suicide." I shake my head at the memory in frustration. I hadn't really admitted it to anyone else until now. "Forgive me, I don't want to burden you with my troubles."

The young woman's brow furrows between her brows and her expression is a combination of sadness and understanding.

"My family wasn't in an accident. They were murdered in cold blood in our home. I was in college barely in my twenties. I was the only survivor and that was a fluke. That's kind of why I'm here now." She tips her head up, licks her lips and swallows hard. "Wow, only a few people know my story."

I move towards her and kneel beside her chair placing my hand on her forearm. "I won't tell anyone. I know how hard it is to deal with a broken heart. I'm here for you and your baby."

Clare places her hand on mine. "Thanks, Libby. I've been lucky to have some awesome people in my life since then. They are my family, now. This little one..." She gazes down at her belly. "This little baby is a miracle. I'm so thankful to Griff for opening his home to me, and honest to God, I'm glad you're here."

I look up and see Griff standing in the doorway, and I wonder how long he's been standing there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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